Chapter 9

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Zoe's POV : Today was our last day in Mexico,We were at the hotel restaurant. I moved my coffee cup around in a circle.We sat silently at the table , which was un normal for us. I watched her turn her fork over repeatedly , " Mads what's wrong ". She mumbled under her breath " I'm fine " , I rolled my eyes
" bull what's wrong ". She continued to play with the fork. " zoe I told you I'm fine " she raised her voice. " well fuck mads sorry for caring ". She looked up at me " sorry it's just well today's, my last day with Chris ". I rubbed her hand " sweetie I'm sorry , how far does he live " ? Her voice was shaky " he lives in New York ". I could see her eyes begin to water , " I don't know what we're going to do ". She put her head in her hands , I moved my chair over towards her. I rubbed her back " I'm sorry sweetie, I'm sure you'll figure something out ". She shook her head " I know it's the 21st century " she mimicked. I rubbed her back " I mean if it's meant to be " , " Zo don't please. Don't with all this meant to be crap, we both now it's a go to comfort line ". I uncrossed my arms " Mads I'm being honest " , " yeah sure I used it on you before and, you know it ". " I haven't had a connection with someone like this in so long , I know it's been a week but I don't want it to end." I nodded my head " I know the feeling , have you guys talked about the distance ? ". She stared at the table , " sorry zo I have to go talk to him ". I watched her run away " so I guess that's a no"

I hadn't herd from Harry in days. It only made me miss him more. I felt horrible to cut the trip short,but I wanted to surprise him at their London show. I insisted on making,Maddie stay here for a bit longer. She only refused and said "she had to work." I decided to go for one last walk along the beach. The beach was full of people, enjoying the sun or selling keep Sakes. Every tent had vibrant colours , making your eyes glued to each one. I walked over to a tent selling jewelry. A tray of sliver rings caught my eye. I have a ring fetish, as maddie would say. I loved wearing lots of rings. The lady was talking to me I just nodded , Being I could only say, three words in Spanish. I had chosen a thick sliver ring, that had peace engraved on it. I walked away, admiring the other tents.

Later that night, I watched maddie and Chris say goodbye. As much as I tried to look away i couldn't. Their hands were all over each other. If we didn't have to go through security , it wouldn't have never ended. Maddie walked over to me with red eyes. I wasn't good in these situations , I would just make a joke or hug her. I decided to let her have time, to herself as I know she would like. After being sent through security,she completely lost everything. I sat beside her letting her cry. When it comes to saying goodbye , sometimes you just need to cry. I let her cry Intel out flight number was called. " Mads I know it's hard but, your going to cry yourself dry ". She just looked annoyed at me " sorry you've been, crying for so long,it's not good for you honey." She nodded " I may never see him again , then it's just another thing down the drain. We had something and now it's going to stay in Mexico." I rubbed her back trying to sound as reassuring as I could. " oh no it wont honey, you can call him when we land." She held her head up, as I wiped her tears away. " now drink lots of water watch a dvd and sleep , no more crying promise ?" She held her pinky out " promise." The plane ride home was very long I was distracted. Constantly, looking back at Maddie. I was relieved to land and go home. The drive home seemed longer then it was. Our apartment was cold , the air felt stiff. It didn't feel like our apartment. " it's so cold " Maddie went to turn up the heat. I rubbed my hands together. Jet leg started to kick in I decided to take a nap. It felt nice to be back in my bed. I pulled the sheets over me and wrapped myself in them.

The car ride to the concert made me Anxious. There was loads of traffic , also loads of girls running all over the streets. Gemma was waiting for me outside the venue. I walked over to her " Zoe how are you " she pulled me in for a hug. Gemma always made me feel so welcome. " He's going to be so happy to see you " , I grinned " I'm so happy to see him ". She handed me a pass to wear , the venue was full of people. I stared in amazement, " wow look at all these people ". Gemma was admiring the crowd " I know it's amazing ". We were hidden in the crowd. The room went dark then music began to play. Loud screams filled the room , i covered my ears. Gemma and I laughed, as they got louder and louder. Everyone moved closer, and closer pushing us. When they walked on stage I swear my ear drum bursted. I saw his eyes shine in the bright lights. My stomach began to pit suddenly, I knew how everyone in this room felt. I couldn't help but smile uncontrollably. I missed him so much, I just wanted to kiss him. It wasn't tell the seconded song, that he noticed me. He began to smile, in the middle of his solo. After he was done he waved at me. I couldn't help but blush. Everyone around us had , noticed and stared at us. He noticed me in a crowd full of people.

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