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It's been three days since I've met her, Three sleepless night. I can't shake her off my mind. I need to call her....

Harrys Pov : the past three nights I couldn't sleep , tossing and turning while my thoughts were filled with her. I turned over looking blankly at my alarm clock , I snapped out and realized its 10:00 am I'm going to be late. I made a mad dash down stairs quickly getting dressed ,then running out the door. I snuck through the door of the room without being noticed , and sitting down in the nearest seat. This class is really boring I found myself dozing off. A loud ring of a bell woke me up causing me to jump. I couldn't pay attention in any of my classes , the only thing on my mind was her. On my way home i put my hands in my pants pockets ,finding a slip of paper with a number. It was her number I pulled out my phone and called it. Several rings went through Intel she picked up.
" hello ", "hi this is harry from the other night ", " I thought you'd stood me up " she laughed. I didn't even have to see her to smile. " well if your not busy do you want to go get coffee tonight my treat ? " yes of course what time and where , do you want to meet" She said. " I can pick you up if you'd like at 6 ?" She then gave me her address ,after a few comments I hung up. I big smile came Across my face. I walked into the house " hey haz why so happy ?" My mom asked " I've got a date tonight " I said smiling. "you do " she stopped making the tea and looked at me. " tell me about her " she said " tell you about who " my sister came into the kitchen saying. "HarryS got a date tonight " , My sisters eye brows raised. Why Were they surprised? "Well we met on the weekend and her names Zoë "I said. "does she go to the same collage " my mom asked. " I don't know we didn't talk about that." "Well I'm going to go get ready " I said. " wait harry where are you taking her , what time " Gemma said I ran up stairs. An hour later I went back Down stairs " heading out " ? my mom said " yes " I replied. She lived just off campus the lift felt like it was forever. I knocked on her door she then opened the door she looked beautiful. " hi you look beautiful " I said her cheeks turned a light pink She looked down at her feet and smiled. " thank you shall we go " she said. we made small conversation Intel we got to the café. After ordering we sat down across from each other, at a small table. " this place is so cute " she said as she looked around. She was wearing a denim jacket. With a long white shirt that went just past her hips. Black leggings and , brown boots with socks just above them. Her curled hair fell past her shoulders. " so what do you want to do once you get out of uni " she asked. " um I'm not sure to be honest , what do you want to do ?" " i don't go to uni " she said looking down at her coffee. " I moved here for work i kind skipped uni. My eyebrows raised , "What do you do for work " I said. " i travel a lot not as much anymore, I like staying here" she said. After long conversations and jokes we walked back. She had her hands in her pockets, as she looked up at the sky. " the sky's clear tonight " she said. "I've got a perfect place to show you " I said. She looked at me with big eyes , " well I would love to see it " she said smiling. I toke her to a big fielded area and laid down in the middle of it. She let out a Laugh " can I join you " she said I , patted to the spot beside me. " I really hope there's no wild animals here " , " only at night " I said laughing. " I will protect you " I said. " you better Your my only hope " she said. Her eyes sparkled in the moon light as she looked up at the stars, i couldn't help but look at her. " how long have you lived here " she asked ? " my whole childhood " I said , "it's a cute place to grow up in " she said. " how long have you lived here " I said " only a year , I moved here last year, with Maddie for work And she came for uni ". " where did you live before ?" " Canada we don't have small towns like this ,where I lived I wish we did " she said." Canada never been there before " I said, " it's quit boring not a lot ,to do or places to go ". "why did you move here for work " I said " I've always wanted to live here and I needed to get as far away from home as possible." " I just packed up and left " She said. " did you meet Maddie here " I said " no We've been friends since we were 3 or 4. We always wanted to move away together , I guess it just happened so fast ." She said softly while looking up at the sky. " enough about me do tell me about yourself ?" " umm I work at a bakery " I said. " really that seems like a fun job" she said , I laughed. She was so easy to talk to I could sit here with her for hours. While she pointed out the stars all I could look at was her. She was so beautiful not just looks, everything about her. How she speaks her mind when you talk to her. How she scrunches up her nose when you ask her a question. When she laughs she closes her eyes and they crinkle , when she smiles you never want her to stop. I walked her up to her apartment , she looked at her feet then up at me. " thank you for tonight harry I had a good time ". " your welcome I had a good time too we should do it again " I said. " I will give you a call " she said. Then as she went on her tip toes and kissed my cheek. " bye harry " she said as she opened the door " bye zoe I said smiling ". I bit my lip as I walked towards the elevator " I can't believe I've already fallen for her " I said to myself as I walked away.....

Authors note : the place harry toke Zoë was the place ,he went in this is us in his home town. ALSO HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE.

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