chptr 27

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this is the last chapter :((


note to self: if you're going to go proclaim your love for your boyfriend, don't go out in the freezing winter air with just a sweatshirt on when you spend almost 2 hours on his front porch kissing and talking - because you'll end up sick.

i sniffed, my nose was stuffed and i had about 100 thousand tissues that were used next to the side of my bed in a plastic bag. i sighed and popped a lemon-flavored cough drop into my mouth and checked the time of my phone. 11:30am. i promised i'd meet luke somewhere in 25 minutes.

i composed a new message to luke, telling him i wasn't going to be able to make it because i was sick. a few minutes later, his reply was sent to my phone, making it vibrate.

'aw babe, i'm sorry i kept you out in the cold yesterday. i'll be over as soon as possible.'

'that would be great, just don't get yourself sick okay?'

'i'll try not to.'

i sat up and took a sip of the apple juice i had in a glass on the table by my bed and grabbed the remote before laying back down. why did i get sick while luke was perfectly fine? he was wearing less clothing than me outside yesterday!

i was sprawled out on my bed, coughing my brains out when i heard the doorbell go off. i groaned, shoving the warm blanket away from my body to go answer the door. i pulled the loose jacket around my body and shivered from the non-heated house.

i clutched the handle on the front door and unlocked it before pulling it open to reveal a sleepy looking luke, who was holding two plastic bags in each hand and had a backpack slung over his shoulder.

"are you ready to get this party started?" he asked, smirking as he let himself in and walked right past me and into my house.

i sighed, "luke, i'm sick."

"i know. that's why i brought what i like to call the 'everything michael needs to feel better' kit," he giggled as he explained.

"alright, let's go upstairs so you can show me what this kit consists of," i said before moving my sock covered feet towards the stairs.


luke's arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me in tightly to his chest as we laid on my bed. i could still hear the sound of the third harry potter movie (luke wanted to have a marathon of them all) playing in the background, but all i could concentrate on was luke's heartbeat.

i pulled my head off of his chest, causing one of the fluffy blankets he brought over for me to fall slightly off my body.

i pressed a quick kiss to his cheek before laying my head down on his shoulder and whispering, "thank you for coming over."

he moved his hand to move the hair that was about to fall in front of my eyes out of my face, resulting in his fingers only tangling within my messy hair. his other hand moved to stroke small circles on my arm.

i couldn't help but shiver against his delicate touch and i sighed a happy sigh, "i love you. and i just - god, i love you."

it didn't take long for his hands to find their way to my hips, pulling me on top of him, our mouths meeting in the middle.

"luke," i mumbled against his lips, "i'm sick."

"i don't care," he whispered back before moving his lips against my own. he ran his hands all over my body as if this was the only moment in time he had to memorized every inch of me.

when we both had pulled away, i buried my face into the crook of his neck, a flesh that smelled so familiar and just.... smelled like home.

he continued running his hand up and down my back as he moved his lips closer to my ear to whisper, "i love you too."



i'll post the epilogue soon xoxo gossip girl

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