chptr 19

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i have never been more nervous in my entire life than i had been when i was in the car on my way to school tuesday morning.

questions kept running through my mind as i occasionally stole glances at luke holding onto the steering wheel. were we a couple? could we do couply things like holding hands and kissing in public?

i was too scared to ask luke anything, who knows if he wants to be in a relationship with me in the first place. has he even been in a relationship before?

i know luke has a reputation of a player, and it's said he's never been in a serious relationship - but i was kind of okay with that. why? because in all of those cheesy romance novels you read about the player falling in love with the freak and he changes his player ways, that is what was giving me hope that our relationship would last a long time.


the walk from luke's car to the school entrance felt like the most awkward experience of my life. luke was walking behind me and most likely watching me the whole time. he wasn't the only one watching, that's for sure. it seemed like everyone's eyes turned to look at me and luke when they saw us together. all the giggles and whispers just made the nerves in my stomach explode.

"michael! luke!" i saw ashton standing by his locker and waving at us. we approached him, not being surprised to see calum standing close to him.

"soooo .. you guys coming to hang out at my place on saturday?" ashton asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"what? oh, uh .. yeah sure," luke mumbled from behind me.

"that didn't sound like a very confident answer to me," ashton laughed and lightly shoved luke's shoulder.


"you do usually seem to be quite a confident guy. wouldn't you agree michael?" ashton turned his gaze to look at me with a smirk on his face.

"what? i-" i was cut off by the bell as i tried to think of something to reply with.

ashton giggled and grabbed calum's hand, skipping away to his first period class. if he thinks he can tease me about luke just wait until i tease him about his obvious crush on calum.

i turned around to see that luke was still behind me. i could tell that he was feeling just as awkward as i was.

"we should um .." i muttered awkwardly, trying my best not to make it more awkward.

"yeah, we should," luke attempted a friendly smile but only looked like he was going to die from the awkwardness, as if it was the plague or something.

i started to walk in the direction that calum and ashton had walked in but was stopped in my tracks by a hand that intertwined their fingers with mine. i looked up from the ground and saw luke staring at me with a sheepish smile.

"what are you doing?"

he sighed, "must you make everything into an evaluation? i'm holding your hand."

i smiled, "thanks."

luke and i walked to our english class hand in hand. his hand started to feel like a ten pound weight since people kept staring at me and girls kept giving me envious looks. does every freaking person in the world know who luke hemmings is?

i zoned out and ended up staring at calum and ashton, smiling and laughing at each other across the hall from us. i felt a tug on my hand which resulted in me moving forward and crashing into luke's back.

"woah, watch it," he warned playfully and i just gave him a small smile. his own smile faltered a little when he saw i wasn't up to par.

"what's wrong sweetie?"

sweetie - just the name itself somehow made a bomb of sunshine explode in my stomach.

i shrugged, "i just, i'm not really used to PDA."

"ignore the looks," he said before tightening his grip on my hand and pulling me into our english classroom.


"as you all know, we will be presenting our projects throughout the next few days," mr. warner informed us. a series of moans and groans was what he got in response.

"luke. michael. mandy. lauren. your group will be going first tomorrow," mr. warner explained and my heart sunk. the teacher looked down at a piece of paper before looking up at us with a big smile on his face, "but you will need to see me at lunch today so we can set up your presentation."

all four of us nodded and he continued on with his lesson that seemed to pass by quickly. i left as soon as the bell rang, hoping to get on with the day just as quickly.


im really tired and lazy right now so here's a short chapter that's basically a filler oh well. sry about taking awhile to update but finals......

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