chptr 11

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i arrived home from school on friday to find that my mom was away at work and wouldn't be back until later that night. she left me a list of things to do, which included: feeding our dog - a golden retriever named ruby, folding my laundry, ordering take out, finishing my homework, and doing the dishes.

i had just finished folding my laundry, so now i was off to order chinese food. i told them my mom's and my order and sat at the kitchen table as ruby happily trotted around the kitchen.

"you're gonna get dizzy or something," i mumbled to the dog that was walking in circles around the table i was seated in.

my phone, which was placed on the table in front of me, vibrated and i quickly unlocked it and checked the message from an unknown number.

'can i come over?'

'i dont know i'm not really jumping for joy when strangers ask to visit my home.'

'oh right, this is luke :)'

i wanted to gag at his text, but i just couldn't seem to do it since the sight of his name gave me slight butterflies in my stomach. now, at that i wanted to gag, too. i was supposed to be one of the only people who wasn't begging luke for his attention - now i'm rethinking that situation.


'why not ):'

'i'm busy.'

okay, that last text was definitely a lie. i was sitting at the kitchen table and waiting for take out to arrive while my dog was making a complete fool out of itself. i just wasn't entirely sure if i wanted luke in my house or not.


by the time the chinese food had arrived it was a little past 7:00 and my mom still wasn't home yet. i put her food in the fridge and sat on the couch, starting on my chow mien.

"not now ruby," i muttered to the dog that was trying to take some of my food. he let out a small whimper but trotted away toward the kitchen.

i finished up the last of the take out and gathered up my trash, heading in the direction ruby had gone in. she walked back into the living room as i threw away my food and got a glass of water. i brought my glass into the living room and found ruby lounging on the L shaped couch, staring at the tv. i took a seat next to her and checked my phone that was lying on the brown couch. two new messages.

'i might be home a little later than expected, sorry.'

that one was from my mom, which received an 'okay' back from me. i checked the other message that was from the conversation i was having with luke earlier.

'i could help you, you know, with whatever you're busy with?'

i shook my head at the text and replied with a 'no.' i looked over at ruby, who had her head angled towards me and was blinking repeatedly.

"you're stupid, you know that right," i said to the dog when it started wagging its tail at me.

8:30 p.m. was what the clock to the left of the tv had read about ten minutes ago. the power went out a few minutes later due to whatever the hell the weather was outside my living room window. here i was, sitting in the living room in the pitch black of night. the house was quiet without my mom home, and ruby had fallen asleep a few minutes ago. i groaned and laid my head back onto the pillow that was placed on my couch. the only light i was getting was from the occasional cracks of lightning that were bright enough to pass as new years eve fireworks.

a knock at the door echoed through the empty house, causing both my dog and me to move from our comfortable positions on the couch.

okay, this is it. there is an ax murderer behind that door. this is how my life will end. i thought to myself as i walked slowly towards the door.

i twisted the lock on the doorknob and proceeded to twist the doorknob itself. i opened the door to find a soaking wet -

"luke?" i asked, quite surprised actually.

what was luke doing on my doorstep at night, in the middle of the pooring rain?

he gave me a slightly tattered smirk before he walked right past me into my house. i stared at him for a few moments until i couldn't see him anymore because of the power being out. i shut the door and twisted the lock and walked towards what i hoped was the couch.

"so, uh, nice weather we're having, huh?" luke's voice sounded out in the darkness. he sounded close, so i reached out my arms to try to find him. i swung my arm and hit something, which earned an "ow" from the object i had hit - or person i had hit.

"what was that for?" luke asked.

"trying to find you," i replied with a shrug and tried to feel for the couch that was near me.

after a few minutes of silence i decided to break if by saying, "why are you hear?"

"you invited me over," he replied cockily.

"what? no i didn't."

"i texted you earlier asking if i could come over."

"but i said no."

"obviously i didn't listen."

"obviously," i repeated under my breath.

"so," luke said loud enough for it to echo throughout the house, "what's up buttercup?"

"luke, just please leave. you're a waste of space in my house."

"your dog thinks the opposite."

"what?" i asked, confusion present in my voice.

"your little dog here, is using me as a bed," he said. i didn't even have to see him to know that he was smirking.

"now that dog is a waste of space in my house."

"even more than i am?"

"no, i prefer the dog actually."



"i'm wounded michael."

"shut up luke, do you hear that?"

the doorknob on my front door had started to jiggle. oh god, here comes the ax murderer thoughts again.

"what was that?" luke asked, and i could hear him shifting his position and eventually moving closer to me. i got up from the couch, only to run into the coffee table and fall right back to where i was placed on the couch before, feeling a pair of arms encircling me.

i grabbed onto the back of luke's sweatshirt and closed my eyes as the front door swung open. i could feel luke's heavy breathing on the back of my neck as i held onto him for dear life.

we were so scared that our lives were in danger that we hardly even noticed a flash and the sound of a camera phone going off. i quickly pushed luke away from me and stared at my mother who was taping quickly on her iphone.

"man, my twitter followers are gonna love this!" my mom gushed as she pressed a final tap into her screen and looked up at us and grinned.


hope you all like this chapter and have a merry christmas :) (though i probably will be updating sometime before then)

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