chptr 17

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"where's your car?"

"at home."

"how'd you get here?"

"i walk to school."

"oh, right."

luke and i were currently sitting in his car, discussing why he was giving me a ride home - and why he was coming home with me. my mom texted me during fourth period to invite him over for dinner since she would be getting home from work before dinnertime and we could all have 'a lovely dinner together.' her words, not mine.

luke pressed his foot on the gas, and i was wishing he would've sped up a bit to get us to my house faster so i wouldn't have to endure this awkward silence with him. it felt like torture in a box. ever heard of it? no? that's because you've never been stuck in a car with luke hemmings.

we finally arrived at my house about 5 minutes later. he parked the car in the middle of my driveway and clambered out of the car. i sighed through my nose and walked the same way luke did, except not as smoothly.

i tripped.

i laid on the concrete pathway for a couple of minutes before i pushed myself up with my hands and brushed off my hands - that we're sort of stinging from the fall - on my jeans. i looked up to see luke who was clutching his side and doubled over in laughter. i sighed and pushed past him to open the door.

"i'll lock you out," i said as i unlocked the door.

luke's laughter stopped and he shook his head, "no, no. i wasn't laughing at you!"

mom, i officially hate you for making me invite luke over for dinner. it was bad enough that i was having these .. feelings for him .. but now i'll be stuck in this house for two hours with him - alone - since my mom wasn't going to be home until 5:00.


"AND IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII WILL ALWAYS LOOOVE YOUUUUUU," luke sang at the top of his lungs into the fake microphone that was attached to the wii system. everything has been beyond awkward since the moment he stepped into my home.

"luke, i get it. you have a decent voice and you like karaoke .. but can you please stop singing whitney houston songs, please?" i pleaded once the song had ended. he had been playing karaoke revolution for the past half an hour.

"fine," luke said and put the microphone down on the coffee table and took a seat next to me on the sofa.

"so, whatcha wanna talk about?" luke asked after a few minutes of an awkward silence. i shrugged, staring at the flat screen tv that had the word 'paused' in all caps displayed on it.

"well, um, if you don't mind my asking, uh .. what happened with your dad?"

when luke asked that question i could feel the memories flooding back to when he left us just a few months ago.

*i watched my mom jog into the living room after my dad threw a tantrum at the dinner table and shouted 'i can't do this anymore', threw his napkin down, and stormed into the living room.

i sat at the kitchen table lifeless and tried to listen to their conversation, so i wouldn't be completely clueless as to what was going on.

"...ust do this to us tony. i knew you were acting funny for the past couple months. i didn't say anything because i didn't want to be a controlling wife!" i heard my mom shout at my dad.

"you are a controlling wife! if you weren't, i wouldn't have cheated on you, you whore!"

i could feel tears beginning to stream down my cheeks. my dad had never called my mother any type of name like that.

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