chptr 9

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"luke, why are you even here?" i groaned after he chose to sit in the seat beside mine.

"because my parents had sex without a condom," he responded cockily, causing ashton and calum to laugh quietly.

i grunted, "stop being a nuisance."

"what's up with all these vocab words recently? are you trying to impress me?" luke teased, and i let out a long dramatic sigh.

'luke," i said his name as if he was a five year old that needed to be taught a lesson.

"michael," he mimicked.

i looked down at my lunch - an apple, a pb&j sandwich, and a water bottle. i then looked over at luke's lunch that had a salad, tator tots, and a hamburger occupying his tray. i reached onto his tray, grabbed a tator tot, and popped it into my mouth.

he smirked at me as i took another one, and then uncapped my water bottle, slowly eyeing him.

"what?" i asked before taking a gulp of water.

he shook his head, still smirking, "nothing really."

after a silence elapsed between the two of us, i finally broke it by saying, "you're smirking."

luke's smirk immediately dropped, and was replaced by a frown and slightly furrowed eyebrows, "yeah - so?"

"whatever," i shrugged.

i looked up at ashton and saw that both his hands were held captive by calum's. i kicked him under the table and raised an eyebrow at him. he shook his head at me as an "i'll tell you later gesture." i watched luke stand up from the table, placing his bag of uneaten tator tots in front of me before walking away from the table.


"we are not doing that."

"oh come on luke, everyone knows you have a perfect voice!" lauren exclaimed.

"i only sang in the talent show last year because calum dared me to do it, therefore i am never singing again," luke said, shifting his position on the couch placed in his living room. mandy read through her english book as luke and lauren kept bickering, which was mostly lauren complimenting luke and trying to get in his pants.

our english project was on poetry: we could either write a poem and recite it to the class or write a song and sing it to the class. so that's how we ended up in this situation. 

"look, if we came here just so you could see luke and attempt to flirt with him, then i'm leaving," i said and mandy started to put her english book into her backpack.

lauren shook her head, "n-no, let's just, uh, let's just work on the project."

"stuttering says otherwise," i commented casually.

"well i'm just, uhh....i just need water. luke, can you help me get some water please?" lauren asked, grabbing luke's hand and pulling him into the kitchen.

i started brainstorming ideas we could use for the project, writing down original phrases that flowed together. the project was due in two weeks, and i was hoping to get it over with quickly.

"so, you know luke pretty well, huh?" mandy spoke up.

i shrugged, "not really, why?"

"it's just that he's the luke hemmings and we're in a group with him," she said, eyes dancing with excitement.

"woah woah woah, don't go falling for his looks, okay? he's not all what everyone thinks he is," i explained.

"oh, believe me, i know. he's the luke hemmings and you're the guy that's, like, in love with him or something."

"what?!" i choked out. " where the hell would you hear that?"

"i rarely ever talk to people but that doesn't mean i don't listen to them," she scoffed. "and that's exactly what everyone says about you."

"why would people say that? i can barely tolerate him!"

"sure, whatever you say.  i wouldn't blame you for being obsessed with him, he's so dreamy with his blonde hair, blue eyes, sexy smirk-'

"annoying smirk you mean," i cut her off, "his smirk is annoying."

she continued listing things she liked about luke, ignoring my comment, "his love for music, his love for coffee - i always see him with starbucks," she chuckled, "i wonder what he always gets."

"skinny vanilla latte, extra foam," i said while looking at the sweater i was wearing.

"and you say that you're not obsessed with me," luke smirked, entering the room with lauren close behind him.


this almost has 1k reads i'm excited

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