nana's hero

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Nana didn’t know what to do. Sasaeng fans had surrounded her and she could not get out of there. She’s still a little far in front of the company building of Ma Joonhee and she doubt it if the guards from the building can see what’s happening to her. She’s indeed in trouble. What if these crazy fans decided to kill her and nobody saw what had happened? They can even dump her body on a river so no one will find out she’s already dead.

Nana put her hands over her head to cover her face with her arms. Although they’re just throwing raw eggs and empty bottles of water, still the impact of what they throw still hurts. She wanted to fight back but she knew fighting back will result to more chaos. So, will she just wait until they were finished attacking her?

She didn’t know what’s happening. And why the hell these crazy fans say she’s a two-timer? And Seol chan? Really? She can’t even think of dating him. Yeah, he’s a genius in music, good looking and famous but he’s too immature and childish for her. Do these fans think they were really on a relationship? Well, they really are crazy.

Suddenly the throwing had stopped. Are they through with her? She slowly put her hands down and saw that the crazy fans were looking as though they’ve taken aback. A cap was put over her head and a coat over her shoulder. Then, someone has pulled her away running towards the building of Ma Joon Hee.

It was Seol Chan that pulled her away from the crazy fans crowd. She figured that out after they entered the building. They were both out of breath and paused a little while inside to take a little rest. There are more sasaeng fans outside the building holding some signs and placards and looking angry when they were passing them. There are more guards than usual, preventing those fans from entering the building.

“What the hell is wrong with this people?” Nana asked in between her breath.

“Have you not seen the news?” Seolchan looks annoyed. “It’s all over the net.”

Nana looked at him with a clueless face. She didn’t have time to check on-line news. And besides, she really doesn’t check the news simply because she didn’t care. She spent the night on her parent’s house. It’s the first time since she left and she couldn’t believe how happy she was that she did as if a deep thorn in her heart has been pulled away. She still had that blissful feeling as she was going back to the company only to be greeted by those sasaengs.

“Ya! Kim Nana!” Nana looked at the direction where she heard that banmal caller of her name. It was Eunha and she looks really angry. The other members of the Color Bars are just behind her. But Eunha looks raging as she marched down towards them. Seol Chan went to Nana’s front to shield her.

What is really happening? And why is Eunha angry with her?

Eunha looks angrier when she saw Seol Chan move. Sunwoo took action and grabbed Eunnha’s arm.  “When did this happen? I don’t even know what happened despite being a member of all the Men in Black fans club ever present,” she demanded.

“Please guys. This is my fault. Let’s not do it here where those fans can see.” Seol Chan jerked his head to point out the sasaeng outside who were watching all their moves.

Seolchan’s words stopped Eunha from attacking Nana. All of them went silent as they saw Ma Joonhee followed by the President of Seolchan’s company at one side.  “Yoon Seolchan, Kim Nana, Jung Sunwoo, follow us in my office.”

And so they did. Eunha looks as though she still wanted to strike Nana. Sunwoo followed her closely on her back. He whispered “I’m sorry.”

Nana tuned to talk to her in whisper as they are on their way to Ma Joonhee’s office. “What is really happening?”

Sunwoo gets his phone in his pants’ pocket and look as though he was searching for something. Then, he gave his phone to her. It was on Dispatch’s website. And there, she saw her picture when she was hugged by Seolchan and was given flowers. The picture kinda look dreamy and it looks as though they were really in love. Well, her face is in side view so you wouldn’t see the exact reaction on her face but Seolchan is smiling widely.

The last two pictures were of her and Sunwoo hugging inside the car and going out of the car side by side. She wondered how did the photographer of Dispatch got those pictures and blamed the car for not being heavily tinted. The caption says ‘Rookie member of a band’s two lovers includes Men in Black’s Seolchan’.

“What the crap is this?” she asked. She started to get mad. These were the reasons why she was attacked by those sasaengs? It’s so stupid. Why can’t they ask the people involved first before attacking? It’s just a misunderstanding that had lead to chaos. A simple explanation can stop this nonsense!

“I’m sorry. Let’s hear what Joonhee Seonbae has to say first to cover up this scandal. Don’t worry, I trust him. And if ever things were starting to get worst, I’ll be your protector. I’ll save you no matter what,” he said sincerely.

“But it is Seolchan who was my hero earlier,” Nana said in bitter words. Sunwoo couldn’t say anything. They remained walking silently until they get to the office and started their discussion on what to do to best manipulate the situation.

“We all know the reputation of Dispatch. But before they started digging and digging about the three of you, let’s settle this problem,” Mr. President said. No one said anything. They just all silently agreed. “We will hold a press conference and will tell everybody that Seolchan and Nana-sshi is indeed in a relationship and Sunwoo is Nana-sshi’s best friend.”

“What?” Seolchan got up in shock. “Are you crazy?”

Nana got up, too; ready to leave. These people are crazier than the fans outside. She doesn’t want to talk to these people.

“I should remind you that you already signed a contract.” Those words from the President stopped Nana from going. Does the contract say you can’t contradict what the higher people tell you to do? Now, she’s getting mad at herself for not reading what’s there in the contract she signed for Ma joonhee. “If you walk away you might face a lawsuit. And you know very well that with my power in this business, I can manipulate even the law.”

“Sajangnim, why are you doing this?” Seolchan asked.

“If you can manipulate the law, then this scandal is just a small thing for you. Why can’t you just manipulate the news? Tell everyone in a press conference that it’s just a misunderstanding,” Sunwoo, as clever as always, asked.

“To tell you the truth it’s a market strategy. A tactic,” Ma JoonHee answered the question. “A good or bad scandal is still a scandal. It will be all over the news. People will talk about you.”

“And besides, it’s just for a couple of months. You can’t explain what happened in those pictures, anyway.  After those couple of months, we will announce that you two broke up and that you fell in love with Min Se Yi because she was more compatible to you. Isn’t that nice? I’m giving you a very good plot to add a drama on your love life in your fan’s eyes. Using this plot, it will be easier for your fans to accept Min Se Yi as your girlfriend.”

“But you want me to pretend to be couple with Kim Nana and then drop her off?  Are you going to ruin my image to the fans?” asked Seolchan, still unconvinced.

“Look, you’re not an idol anymore. Just look at Lee Byung Hun. He created some bad scandal and reputation but where is he now? Hollywood is talking about him. Who cares about those scandals if you’re already famous? Think of it!” Mr. President is persistent in convincing Seolchan.

“Even if he does agree, what makes you think that I’ll do what you want?” Kim Nana asked. It might do well for Seolchan but what about her? She’ll be labeled as Seolchan’s girl. And even if after they already ‘broke-off’, whenever there are news about Seolchan, her name will always be present, too.

“Let’s just say you’ll spend all your Christmas for the next five years inside the jail. I’ll make sure of that. Let me tell you, if you agree to our term, you will be Seolchan’s girlfriend and your band will gain more popularity. It’s like hitting two birds in one stone,” Mr. President explained.

“We’ll agree to it,” Sunwoo said without even batting an eyelash. All Kim Nana could do was to give him a piercing stare.

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