the hidden plan

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"Ommo! Kim Nana! What happened to you? Are you okay?"

Nana gave her signature killing stare to Eunha that seems to have no effect now to this girl or tothe other members of the Color Bars. Eunha remained standing in front of her waiting for her answer. She wanted to say 'you don't need to know' but can't say it aloud because she could see from her face that she was really concern and worried of her. Kyudong and Donam who were also in the practice room also left what they were doing after hearing those words from Eunha to check if she's really okay.

She was touched of what they did. It felt as though she was really their friend. And she was thankful for the Lord for letting her meet these people. Never in her entire life had she thought that she will have true friends; friends who accepts her for what she and her family was.

"Thanks." There. She finally let her mouth say that word. "But I'm okay." She knew why they were worried of her. Her bare face tells it all. Nana grabbed the sunglasses that Eunha playfully stole from her moments ago and wears it back.

Her problem started after she got up this morning and saw her face in a mirror. Her face looks as though she put all her money in a single bet and lost. She looked like a raccoon with those dark circles that was lining in her eyes. She tried to put on some cucumber but it did not do its trick. Perhaps, cucumber really does not work.

After ahjussi's revelation last night, she rushed on Sunwoo's house just to confirm what she heard. Is it true that he asked her father to be her groom? Did he really fight his father just to let him know where she was? And finally the question that she really want to ask, if he really loves her just like what ahjussi had said. But when she finally got there and got the courage to push the doorbell, she saw Sunwoo and heard that he's going to meet Seyi. She waited for five long hours but he didn't return. So, she left; jealousy still eating her out.

Why did Sunwoo and Seyi meet that late night? What are they doing? Does it have to be that long? Are they with someone else or are they alone? And why does Sunwoo sounded so worried while talking on the phone? Did something happen? But if there is, why is it she only called for Sunwoo? Oh, well, she didn't really know if they were alone or if anyone's with them. But she didn't got a call or a text message from Seyi, or maybe because she doesn't treat her as a friend.

Those were the thoughts and questions that keep popping in her mind the whole night and won't let her sleep. She even cried for a few minutes. This was the first time in years that she couldn't sleep and maybe that's why her eyes became like that. She tried to put on some concealer but it was no use. In the end she just put on a sunglass to cover it up. But who would put a shade on in a closed room of a building when the only lighting is coming from electricity? Maybe that's the reason why Eunha playfully grabbed it from her.

"If you have a problem, you could tell us and we will try to help you," Eunha said still with her concerned voice.

"Yeah. You've saved my life once, anything you want me to do, I'll do it," Kyudong seconded.

Nana smiled at them. "Thank you. But I'm okay. Don't mind me. If there's something I want you to do that is for you to go back to practicing."

"I can sing and dance Lee Hyori's 10 minutes just to make you smile," Kyudong suggested.

Nana nearly laughed at what he said. "Don't bother. You already made me smile."

"Hey, guys. What's up?"

All eyes shifted to Min Seyi who's at the door. Nana's eyes were on Seyi's hand that was holding Sunwoo's.

"Ya! Min Seyi! What's the meaning of this?" It looks like she wasn't the only one who noticed the two of them holding hands. "Are you trying to double time my Seolchan oppa?"

"Seolchan and I broke up. He said he's strangely feeling something for Nana. And Sunwoo said he still have feelings on me so we figured we have to try it out. Maybe we really were meant to be. You know, we've known each other when we we're kids. And he liked me since then. It's time for me to try to feel the same."

It was a good thing Nana still had her sunglasses on. She could feel her tears forming in her eyes. So that's the reason they were together last night. They're dating now. It felt as though there's something that's hitting her chest real hard. She suddenly couldn't breathe. She could feel her hands trembling and her feet feeling numb; like she wouldn't be able to stand up. But she did, she stood up, ignoring what she was feeling and the eyes that were following her every move. She walked through the door and exited without turning back. No one dared to say anything.

"Babo," she whispered as she was passing beside Sunwoo.

She thought he really liked her. She thought this time will be her time to have her happily ever after. But she was wrong. She had forgotten that in this story of life, she was the gangster, the antagonist. And the antagonist doesn't have a happy ending. She realized she was wrong for calling Sunwoo stupid because she was more stupid than him for hoping that he'll like her back. Seyi is stupid too for thinking that she can learn to love Sunwoo. It was never like that. Feelings can't be forced.

Tears started rolling in her cheeks. She quickly wiped it away using the back of her hands. Right now, she needs a place to hide. She doesn't want anyone to see her crying. No one has to know that she is crying.

"Kim Nana!" Sunwoo's voice stopped her from walking but she did not look back. She waited five seconds but he did not say anything so she ran away. She knew she will be screaming and crying any moment now and she didn't want Jung Sunwoo to witness it so she will just run wherever her feet takes her.

"Ya! Min Seyi! Did Seolchan really break up with you?" Eunha asked right after Sunwoo left them to chase after Kim Nana. She could not believe what Min Seyi said moments ago. She witnessed the ups and down of Seyi and her idol's relationship and ending it just like that is so unacceptable. And why would Sunwoo agreed to be Min Seyi's rebound boyfriend?

They already knew that Sunwoo really had a thing for Seyi back in high school but that was so long ago. They all knew Jung Sunwoo had a thing for Kim Nana. They all witnessed what Sunwoo did just to get Nana. He even suggested debuting as a band just to get close to Nana again and even begged Ma Joonhee Sunbae for months just to sign them up. They all knew that to announce Seyi and Seolchan's relationship is just a minor reason. That's the reason why Ma Joonhee Seonbae played a prank on Sunwoo by purposely giving Kim Nana flowers on their contract signing. She figured it all out by the way those two exchanged meaningful looks right after Kim Nana left.

"Of course, not. You all knew how we love each other. We've talked it all out yesterday." Eunha looked at Seyi as if she was crazy. "What?"

Kyudong looked as though she wanted to hit Min Seyi but stopping himself for Seyi was also her hero.

"Then why are you doing this?" she asked, blood's boiling up. "You should know what those two were feeling. And don't you feel bad for Sunwoo? It's like you don't know how he suffered under Mr. Gangster President just to be Nana's future husband. You're ruining it all!"

"I'm not ruining anything," said Seyi who was looking as though she was innocent. Eunha, Kyudong and Donam were beginning to feel frustrated at her. "I just want everything to end now."

"What is?"

"This drama. Do you know that stupid Yoon Seolchan keeps on dragging Nana so much? And he also keeps pretending that he likes Kim Nana."


"It's because he wants to get even to Sunwoo. Remember back in high school when we all went to see a movie?"

"Yes, wae?"

"At that time, a reporter was following us and so Sunwoo pretended to be my boyfriend. I don't know what they talked about that day but it seems that stupid Seolchan wants to get even because of that. And you all could see that Seolchan succeeded. Sunwoo is jealous. He doesn't even know if Nana likes him. So, I made a plan last night and called Sunwoo. We did that act just to make sure that Nana is still in love with Sunwoo." Seyi silently clapped her hands as though she was dreaming.

"What do you mean if she is still in love? Did she already fall in love with Sunwoo? When is that? Why didn't I know it?" Eunha looked at Donam and Kyudong to ask if they already knew about it but the two shook their heads.

Seyi smiled at Eunha and motioned the wooden floor for them to sit. "Well, it's a long story..."

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