Chapter 8:

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"Jasper was hit. They took him." Clarke answers.

Suddenly, the memory of Jasper getting stabbed flashes through my mind, like a video on loop.

"Where's your wristband?" I hear Clark ask.

I looked up, seeing her look at Wells, who no longer had a metal wristband on his hand.

"Ask him." Wells says, gesturing to Bellamy.

We all look to Bellamy now, who had a straight look on his face.

"How many?" Clarke asks.

"24 and counting." Murphy answers with a smile. He was covered in scratches and blood, most likely from fighting.

"You idiots. Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again, and we need their help against whoever is out there. If you take off your wristbands, you're not just killing them. You're killing us!" Clarke yells.

"We're stronger than you think. Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged. If they come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same?" Bellamy says.

"We can take care of ourselves. That wristband on your arm? It makes you a prisoner. We are not prisoners anymore! They say they'll forgive your crimes. I say you're not criminals! You're fighters, survivors!" Bellamy continues.

By now, many of the teens around us voiced their agreements to Bellamy's thoughts.

"The Grounders should worry about us!" He finished off.

Clarke walks off now. I look to Monty before we both run after her.

"What do we do now?" Monty asks.

"Now we go after Jasper." She tells us before storming off into the drop ship.

I sigh, sitting on the edge of the platform. Monty sits besides me, looking worried.

"Don't worry. We'll get Jasper back." I say, smiling softly.

"I hope so." Monty says.

I leave Monty at the drop ship, and I walk back over to where Bellamy and Octavia were.

"Monty's so worried." I tell Octavia.

"oooh! You so like him." She says, stepping away from her brother.

I blush red as she says this.

"I do not." I say, stepping away from her.

"You do so." She says, stepping towards me.

I laugh, taking one more step back, bumping into someone.

"Watch it!" The person yells, turning to face me.

I realize it to be Murphy.

"I'm sorry!" I quickly say, taking a step away from him.

"Oh, don't leave so fast, little Alex." He says, grabbing my arm to stop me from retreating.

"I can't have one of my own wearing one of these." He says, grabbing my hand that had the metal wristband.

"Please, just leave me alone, Murphy." I say, trying to pull my arm free, but his grip only tightened.

"You don't want to go back to how things used to be, now do you?" He asks, smiling wickedly.

"Just let her go, Murphy." Octavia tells him, but of course he doesn't listen.

"What do you think, boys? Should we leave her alone?" He asks with a laugh, the guys behind him all laughing as well.

He then released my arm. I go to walk away, get grabbed by two other guys now.

"Bring her over here!" Murphy yells, walking away from us.

"Stop! Let go of me!" I yell, as the two boys drag me to Murphy, the rest of his 'gang' following behind us.

We stopped by a giant rock, Murphy standing beside it, brandishing a metal blade, similar to the one in my jacket pocket.

"Hold her down" Murphy says.

One of the guys grabbed my arm that had the wristband, forcing it to lay onto the rock. Him and the other guy held me down, not allowing me to move.

"Stop, don't do this. Please." I beg, as Murphy smiles down at me.

"Don't worry, it will only hurt a lot." He says, as he takes the blade and wedged it between the wristband and my arm.

However, he pulls the blade back out, before slicing it across my arm. I scream out in pain, feeling the stinging pain as blood pours from the wound.

"Oops, my bad." Murphy says sarcastically, before adjusting the blade. He proceeds to place it between my skin and the wristband once more before he forces it upward.

I scream again, as the wristband tugs against my wrist.

"Please, stop!" I scream, as he applies more pressure.

Just then, the wristband pops open, falling from my wrist.

The two guys then let go of me, making me fall to the floor. I hear footsteps as someone runs up to us now.

"Alex! Are you alright?!" Asks multiple voices.

"What did you do?" I hear Clarke ask.

"I thinks its 25 now." Murphy says with a cruel laugh.

"Alex, oh my god, your arm." Monty says, pulling me up from the ground.

Mounty holds me close to him, examining my arm.

"Clarke, over here." Monty says, getting Clarkes attention now.

I hold my arm, frozen as I watched the blood poor down my wrist.

"Monty, come here." Clarke orders.

Monty steps forward, and Clarke rips a piece of fabric from his sleeve, before looking towards me.

"This might hurt." Clarke tells me, but I barely hear here, as I am still frozen in shock.

I scream out in pain, as Clarke tightly ties the fabric around my arm, just above the wound that Murphy had made from the knife.

When she finished tying the fabric, my arm had slowly stopped bleeding.

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