Chapter 14. A Mother's Love

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Mia gave her mother a smile when she saw her sitting in the living room waiting for her to return.

"Mia, come sit beside me."

Mia sighed and sat beside her. "Yes, mom?"

"I'm concern about your relationship with your bosses. You seemed to be abnormally close to them."

"They're good friends," Mia said, wondering where this was leading to.

"Are you dating one of them?"

"Why would you think that?"

"I noticed the way Kale took the liberty of just pulling you into a hug. Is he the one you're dating?"


"Mia, I've raised you to be a respectable young woman. You know I wouldn't approve of you dating any of your bosses. It's very unprofessional and scandalous. A secretary dating her own boss is out of the question."

"Mom, once again, I'm a grown woman. I know you tend to forget that, but I am. Who I choose to date shouldn't concern you so much. If I decide to date anyone, I'll tell you when I'm ready for you to know. Right now, just let me have my privacy." Mia really wanted to talk to her mother. She wanted to tell her it wasn't just Kale, but Aidan too that was she was in love with, but her mother was so old fashion and judgmental. The last thing she needed was her mother on her back about her love life right now. She really did want to enjoy her rare vacation and she wasn't about to let her mother ruin it.

"Well, I'm definitely not sleeping in your guest bedroom. Since your male friends have occupied them, I'll be taking over your bedroom."

Mia watched her mother get up and walk to her room. She didn't really care where her mother slept. Right now, she seriously needed an aspirin.

For three days her mother took up most of her time. The first day, she had Mia show her around San Francisco. Mia took her as many places as she could. She enjoyed hanging out with her mother since she was such an outgoing and funny woman. As long as she stayed out of her personal life, Mia had a good time. Of course, there was one big embarrassing incident that happened that day that had Kale rolling on the floor laughing when Mia talked to him and Aidan at the end of the day.

Mia had passed by Castro on her way to Market Street after showing her mother around. Her mother asked her if this was the famous gay neighborhood that San Francisco was known for. Mia should have been suspicious when her mother asked her to pull over. She watched her mother jump out the car, grab her purse, pull out a huge bible, and walked down the sidewalk waving it around wildly shouting, "You're all going to hell!"

Mia had to grab her by the arm and force her back to the car apologizing profusely to the people on the street as she dragged her mother with her.

The second day, Mia found Kale and Aidan's guest rooms anointed in oil. She could smell it as soon as she walked into Kale's room, the one she was sleeping in, and decided to check Aidan's and her room also. She found her mother coming out of her room with a bottle of olive oil in her hand and praying loudly. Mia watched her sling some oil from her fingers on the walls in the hallway and stopped her. She was not about to let her mother ruin her apartment no matter how much she wanted to bless her home.

The third day Mama Ruth had her attend an evening bible class with her at a church Mia had never been to. Apparently her mother had made friends at a bible convention in Mississippi with other members who lived in San Francisco also. Mia wanted to scream out of annoyance when her mother told them to keep an eye on her after she left. The last thing Mia needed was a bunch of little church ladies following her around and shaking the bible at her.

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