Chapter 23. Eric

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Mia couldn't believe who was looking down at her, the psycho who had chased after her at Red Lobster, the guy Jasmine had set her up on a blind date with.

"Don't be looking so surprise to see me," Eric crossed his arms as he stood over her. "You're the reason why all of this is happening."

Mia sat up and leaned her back against the wall. "What are you talking about?"

"I really liked you, Mia. I thought you were the one for me, but like my ex, you chose a White a guy over me; oh, wait my bad, two White guys. You're nothing but a slut and a traitor to Black men everywhere. Because of you, I realized all Black women needed to be taught a lesson. So, you see it's your fault that all those Black women who were dating White guys are suffering now."

Instead of feeling guilty or scared as it clearly was his intention, Mia got angry, very angry. She kicked him hard between the legs from where she was sitting and then stood up as he grabbed his crotch and fell over howling in pain.

"How dare you try to blame me for your sick, violent crimes. I knew you had issues, but I never thought you would turn into a rapist! It's not me who's causing other women to suffer, I'm not the one that's attacking and raping them, it's you and YOU are an embarrassment to other Black men who are actually trying to do what's right for their women!"

"You bitch!" Eric whimpered rolling around on the floor. "When I get up, I'm going to kill you!"

"You definitely won't be raping me, that's for sure!" Mia told him.

"Mia!" She heard Jasmine call her from her bedroom.

Mia ran into the room and saw Jasmine huddled in a corner, her lip was busted and swollen, one eye was swollen and black, her arms were covered in cuts and bruises and her left leg lay in an abnormal position.

"Oh sweetie!" Mia tried to hold back her tears.

"I already called the police as soon as he left to get you," Jasmine told her. "Watch out!" she yelled when she saw Eric appear behind Mia.

He pushed Mia to the floor. She fell flat on her stomach. He sat on top of her and grabbed her by her hair. Mia tried not to yell out in pain as he pulled her head backwards and put a knife to her neck. "When I finish with you, you won't even look like a woman!" He hissed at her.

"Let her go!" Jasmine yelled.

"Shut up!" he shot a threatening look at Jasmine, "before I finish what I started." He took the knife and began to cut the back of Mia's neck.

Mia screamed out in pain as she felt the blood began to flow freely. "Stop, you fucking bastard, what are you doing?"

"Carving my initial in your skin," Eric said as he carved a capital letter E on the back of her neck. "This way you'll always have a reminder of what happened today and when those two White fuckers touch you again, they will see my name on your skin. Let's just say it's my way of making you mine."

"You really are psychotic!" Mia tried to fight him even as her neck throbbed painfully from the sharp end of the knife slicing through the delicate skin of her neck.

"You really are a tough one, aren't you? All the other girls were crying and begging me to stop, but not you. You'll probably fight me to the end, won't you? I knew you were my type of woman. If my dick wasn't hurting so badly, I'd be hard as rock by now, but that's okay, I can still play."

Eric suddenly twisted her onto her back and sat on top of her stomach. Mia cried out as his heavy body dug painfully in her stomach. He took the switchblade and ran the tip down the side of her face close to her ear. Blood began to pour from the shallow cut, and he smiled. "Red looks good on you, you've got the prettiest chocolate brown skin. How could you let those nasty white hands touch this beautiful body?"

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