Chapter 15. Aidan's Plan

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Kale and Aidan sat on the couch with Mia in her apartment later that evening. She had just told them about her mother's surprising acceptance of their relationship.

"You see, Mia, there was nothing to be worried about," Kale said pulling her into his lap.

"I think your mother is very wise," Aidan commented. "She accepted us because you are her only child and she didn't want to risk losing you if she disapproved. Parents tend to make their children choose between their lovers and their family. Usually, they choose their lovers."

Mia looked at him thoughtfully, "you could be right about that. I know for a fact she doesn't agree with our relationship since she told me I was going to hell for it, but she told me she loved me no matter what."

Kale burst out laughing. "Sounds like something she would say, sorry Mia, but your Mom is a trip."

Aidan shook his head. "Well at least something worked out for the best today," he looked at Kale who nodded behind Mia. "Mia, there's something I have to tell you."

Mia moved to get out of Kale's lap but he held her to him. She glanced up at his serious face then back at Aidan. "What's going on?"

"You're fired," Aidan said.

Mia's body stiffened against Kale. He began to rub her arms to get her to relax. "What?" She asked in a low voice.

Aidan began to look a little nervous. "We couldn't possibly let you continue to work at the office since we can't seem to control ourselves whenever you're around."

"So, you're firing me because you can't control your dicks?" Mia stared at him in outrage. "I can't believe you, Aidan. You and Kale were the ones who attacked me. I just came to bring you lunch!"

Aidan smiled. "And that was very sweet of you, we loved it, but rumors started circling around the office shortly after you left and it got to Lisa, the human resource manager."

Mia gasped. "Oh no..."

"We decided the best action to take to stop all of us from getting penalized was for you to not work there any longer. I wouldn't want to subject you to any nasty gossip either."

"I get punished for your mistakes?! That's so unfair!"

"Mia, we're only trying to protect you," Kale said.

"But it's not my fault!"

"You're right, we're very sorry," Aidan said.

Mia struggled against Kale as she tried to get to Aidan. She looked like she wanted to strangle him. "I just got a brand-new office that I got to design all by myself. Now someone else will be taking my place?! You jerks!"

She jabbed Kale in the stomach with her elbow. He released her and doubled over in pain. Aidan eyes widened as she flung herself at him and knocked him off the couch. He found himself on the floor with Mia on top of him; her hands were going for his throat. Aidan caught her hands and twisted her around until he lay on top of her. Mia struggled against his big body, but he was too heavy for her to fight him.

"Mia, stop this right now before you hurt yourself," he scolded harshly.

"Damn, I've never seen her so pissed at you, Aidan " Kale said with a grin. "She's furious! At least it's not me for once." He suddenly held up his hands." Mia I had nothing to do with this, it was all Aidan's decision!"

Aidan glared back at him noticing that he was clearly enjoying his situation. "You're not helping, Kale. Stop being an instigator and help me calm her down."

"Nope, she's your hellcat for the day. I told you she wouldn't take this well, but noo you just had to do it your way."

"You truly are a jerk," Aidan told him.

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