Chapter 5. The New Office

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Mia was already at her desk by the time Kale and Aidan arrived for work. She was hardly ever late and when she was, they worried about her. She was always there before them making sure everything was ready to start their day smoothly. Fresh coffee was already made and brewed exactly the way they liked it. Their mail was already opened and waiting for them in their baskets. Important little notes sat on their desk from the evening calls and weekend calls left on her voicemail. And, she always had their scheduled organized with the time and date they were to meet with their clients. Mia was the perfect personal assistant. But today, she was about to be given the title executive assistant and moved to a an office right between theirs.

Mia couldn't believe it. She was finally getting her own office. She walked around the large conference room that was to become her office starting tomorrow. It was perfect. It was large and spacey enough to put in a leather couch. She had a terrific view of San Francisco's financial district and the huge towering Bay Bridge.

Aidan laughed softly when he saw Mia standing in the room gazing out of the enormous glass windows at the city below them. He beckoned for Kale to watch. They stared at her as she walked around the room analyzing it with a giddy expression on her face.

"She's happy," Kale said.

"I wish I had thought of it sooner. I just got so use to Mia's desk being in the same room as ours that I didn't want to let her go," Aidan said.

"So you put her between us?" Kale asked lifting an eyebrow.

Aidan grinned. "I guess I still don't want to let her go."

Kale smiled and shook his head. "I wish she wouldn't wear those skirts to work. They are very distracting. They show off that plump little ass of hers perfectly. And every time she walk, I can't help but watch."

Aidan stared at the silk indigo blouse that showed off her smooth chocolate brown skin beautifully. She wore a dark navy blue skirt that looked like it had been made especially for her body. It molded to her hourglass figure perfectly. "Mmm," Aidan agreed. "She's the only woman I know who can move so seductively and graceful in professional clothes."

"Look at those hips, swaying so...erotically," Kale mumbled getting lost in the sexiness that was Mia.

Mia suddenly turned around as if she heard him and caught them staring at her with so much desire in their eyes that she blushed. She was grateful for having dark skin to hide the many times they made her blush at the office.

"Umm hi guys, I was just taking a break and decided to check out my new office again," she said noticing they both looked like they wanted to devour her.

They walked into the room. Kale closed the door blocking them off from the rest of the world. Mia suddenly began to feel very self-conscious about being in the room alone with them, especially when they were staring at her so possessively.

"You like your new office, Mia?" Kale wanted to know walking towards her. Mia gave him a big pretty smile.

"What else do I have to do to get you to smile at us like that?" Aidan asked walking towards her.

Mia laughed nervously. "I think this is it..."

"The movers will be here tomorrow. You're free to decorate the office however you like," Aidan said. He looked like a dream in his beige button down vest pulled over a crisp white long sleeve dress shirt that did nothing to hide his muscular arms. His matching beige pants were pressed and creased perfectly. Locks of golden hair fell over his forehead giving him that model boy look that had most of the women in the office fawning over him including Mia herself.

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