Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

Just a little farther. I drag my aching legs through the dark, foggy fields of Pink Blossom Farm. Well at least, I thought it was Pink Blossom. In the middle of the night, I woke up and couldn't sleep. So I decided to see, gulp, Beau. I was nervous but I knew that I had to eventually.

After I dragged my lazy ass out of the house, I realized I only had fuzzy shorts, a tank top, and slippers on. Might I add that the early morning air was hovering around twenty five to thirty degrees. But for some reason, I didn't care. I just kept walking.

Now I am walking through a random pasture in the freezing cold darkness. An eerie fog hovers just over my knees. It was literally like a scene from a horror movie. The weird thing is there are no horses in the field. Usually the all the fields are filled with the pasture boarders horses. The only animal that I can see occupying the large field is a big, black crow sitting atop a random fence post.

It didn't feel like Pink Blossom anymore. I was now walking through the forest. What the hell was wrong with me? I have seen quite a few horror movies and being in the middle of the woods at night is just at the top of my bucket list. Yipee. But sure enough, the small isolation barn was sitting there, in the middle of the woods.

I slide open the door and immediatly know Something is wrong. I don't see Beau in any of the stalls. I walk over to the stall Beau used to be in and it was covered in a liquid. I swipe my pointer and middle finger through the liquid then pull back. The liquid is warm, sticky, and red. It's blood. My body all of a sudden feels like jello and I nearly fall over. There is blood everywhere in the unoccupied Beau stall. And I mean everywhere.

That is when I noticed something really weird. I place both my hands on my legs to breath for a second. my legs are there. both of them. No prosthesis. Nothing.

"What the f-" I stumble back a few steps before I am stopped and hit something.

"Hello, Alison." A sinister voice calls behind me and I force myself to turn around.

I am shocked to see Drew. Well, it's not exactly Drew. His eyes are dark, hollow pits. I try to scream but nothing comes out.

"Looking for something?" Drew starts evilly laughing and holds up a knife then steps to the left, revealing a cut up Beau.


"AH!!" I jerk up in bed. All the blankets and pillows are scattered throughout the room. My body is shaking uncontrollably.

"Ali!? Ali!? What's wrong?" Dee bursts into my room. When she sees me crying in my bed, she knows what happened. I had a nightmare. Thank The Lord it was a nightmare.

"Shhh... Shh... Ali your fine now, honey. It was just a dream." Dee sits on the bed next to me and places my head in her lap.

"Beau! Where... Where's Beau!?" I frantically try to get up but Dee holds me down.

"Shhh... He's fine, he's fine." I force

my eyes to glance at my clock. It reads, '2:57 AM'.

"Try and go back to sleep." Dee places my pillows and blankets back on my bed before leaving the room.

Sigh. I can't sleep now! But there is something that I need to do. I have to see Beau. I have to...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

So yeah I switched the chapter up a little. It was going to be about Drew and Ali but my frickin computer decided to be an ass and delete my chapter. For some reason, the old chapter that I scrapped got published.

I promise some Ali and Drew time soon ;)

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