Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Everyone sits in silence at dinner. The parents went to some fancy Italian restaurant called 'Ottimo Cibo' or something. I guess it means great food in Italian. And trust me, I'd much rather eat there. Dee said she would take 'The Gang' out for dinner for good luck. Her treat. Yeah, the closest thing to good luck we would be getting at this restaurant is food poisoning.

The food sucks really bad. Everybody took one bite of their meal, and literally almost threw up. I got chocolate chip pancakes that were more like soup, Jill got macaroni and the noodles were uncooked, GiGi got salad and we swear we saw something move in it, and Dee got chicken that was totally raw. To make it even more disgusting, before our meal, Dee got soup. Seems normal, right? There were flies in it!

"Girls..." Dee quietly says to us. We perk up and listen. "I'll take you to the McDonald's down the road. But first, I am going to talk the the manager. This is ridiculous."

Well so much for our nice, sit down meal. Even McDonald's was better than this! Dee gets up out of her seat and goes to talk to some person behind the counter. This was the start of a long night.

After arguing with the manager for an hour, Dee finally wins. We leave the restaurant without paying a cent. Dee is in a bad mood, and so are we. We're hungry, tired, angry, nervous, and a lot of other emotions.


At McDonald's Dee gets us all chocolate shakes and large fries. We were not hungry for anything else after the Diner Disaster. Hopefully I will burn off all those calories I consumed, oh well.. I just can't wait to get back to the hotel. We each are going to shower, then watch 'The Horse Whisperer' while painting our toenails some color that GiGI brought with her. Hopefully tonight will be fun. No, not hopefully. It better be.

Three hours later at ten at night, I lay in my bed wide awake. My nails were painted a baby blue, matching my cross country colors and my hair smells like vanilla bean from the hotel shampoo. I am tired, yet I can't find myself to sleep. I was nervous about tomorrow. Very nervous. There are over one hundred people in my division.

GiGi, awake as well, sits up in her bed. "Ali?" She asks quietly.

"Yeah?" I respond in a whisper, not wanting to wake Jill.

"Good luck tomorrow." She sounds honest.

I smile to myself. "Good luck to you, too." And with that, I fall into a deep, comfortable sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

EDITED comment any mistakes. Thanks(:

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