Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

On my first day back to riding, I have to admit. I am pretty damn good. Buttercup acts like an angel and the fake leg doesn't even bother me or interfere with my epic riding skills.

Drew and GiGi have been guiding me through excersizes for the past two hours. I work on bending, transitions, circles, pole work, and serpentines. Just for the hell of it, GiGi wanted me to go over a small X in the corner of the arena. I quietly refuse and she just nods, obviously understanding the fear, even if it was an itty bitty jump.

"Great, Al. Why don't you cool her down?" I nod to Drew and kick my feet out of the stirrups. Or shall I say, one foot and one metal stick thing? I glance quickly at Drew and GiGi. They are talking quietly, just out of earshot. GiGi nods At whatever he is saying. I see her smile and urge him to keep talking. Hm? I wonder what they are talking about. I am not too curious, honestly. I am too tired to be curious.

I struggle to dismount from the old mare. The prosthesis does not bend at the knee like a normal leg does, so it makes dismounting a more difficult process. When I finally do, I loosen the girth one hole and wrap up the stirrups. GiGi takes Buttercup's reins and tells me that she will untack her for me. Before she leaves, I have to tell them both something.

"Please don't mention this to Dee. Or my mom. Okay?" I am not ready for Mom and Dee to find out that I rode again. Even though they both encouraged it, I just felt insecure about them knowing. In responxe, they nod. GiGi then clucks and Buttercup obediently follows her out of the ring.

I unbuckle my helmet and Drew takes it from my hands, telling me that he will bring it back to the stables for me.

"Go home. Go shower. You deserve it, Al." He smiles warmly at me and squeezes my hand. Hehehehehehehe it feels good. In a weird sort of way. I smile back.

It turns out that I remembered that I had to drive the Gator back so I went to the barn anyways. I decided not to go inside of it and just go straight home.


When I get home, it is already nine o'clock. I walk inside and Dee glances up from her book at the dinning room table before staring back down. It seems like she knew where I was.


An hour after I arrived home, I finally lay in bed. My suitcases lay in a messy heap on the floor and I promise myself to put them away later. I just took a shower and dressed in my fuzzy pajamas. I feel relaxed as I stare up at the white ceilings. My eyes feel heavy and the urge to fall asleep takes over. I gently close my eyes and fall into a peaceful sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~

I appologize for the messy chapter. I'll add more details later. I just wanted to finish it so I can start the next chapter. >:D

So yeah, the next chapter might be a little sexual, but not really. Just a little. Tehehe

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