Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

By now, all of the Faith Fans have left, leaving me alone, sitting quietly inside her stall, watching her snatch little bites of food and occasionally playing with her Jollyball. Mom went home to pack our things. We have decided to move into Dee's large guest house. Dee is in her office, waiting for me to finish with Faith so I can ride Beau. Jill and Drew went home, leaving GiGi in Danny's stall, absentmindedly currying his already spotless fur.

Sitting on Faith's stall has given me time for my mind to wander back to the fall at AEC. I remember when I was in the hospital GiGi told me the case was under investigation. I completely forgot about it until now. Why would a fall be under investigation? It was my fault, or was it? Who the hell would try and kill me at AEC? Questions run through my brain. Endless, pointless questions that I knew would never be answered unless I did something. And oh man, I planned on doing something. Of course, with the help of my right hand man. Or right hand woman? Girl?

"GIGI!" I shout loudly. I probably shouldn't have done that in a barn full of horses. Faith eyes me warily before going back to eating with a loud snort. I wait a few moments and GiGi never comes. "GiGi get yo ass ova here right now, sista!" I shout, a little quieter, in a weird Bronx/New York accent.

Very slowly, I hear the sound footsteps walking my way, "What do you want, Alison?" GiGi asks, with  hands on her hips. She rolls hers eyes at me and I stand up to look at her face to face. She rolls her eyes at me once more.

"You know that your eyes are going to stick like that." I retort in a sweet sounding voice to her eye rolling behavior.

In responce, I get another eye roll. "What!?" She says, sounding a bit annoyed. That annoyance goes away when Faith walks up to GiGi, setting her large head on Gi's own skinny shoulder. GiGi smiles and glances at me, looking a bit more calm. "What?" She says in a much more relaxed tone, stroking Faith's cheek.

"Is the case still under investigation?" I ask, jesturing to Beau and myself.

"Sort of. The case is still under investigation but not really. They take it slowly now. But..." She stops and takes a breather before continuing, "They know it was an attempt at murder."

"How could my fall be an attempt of murder?"

"From the... Evidence they found."

"What... evidence?" I ask in a quiet tone.

"Your mom found a... note by your bedside in the hospital. She gave to to the cops. They also found some more evidence but haven't released it publicly or even to your mother yet."

Gulp. "What note!?" I cry. "Why didn't my mother tell me!?"

"Your mother wanted to protect you, Alison. If I tell you, you can't tell your mom that you know, okay?"

I nod in response and take a step closer.

"The note... It said," GiGi gulps before continuing on, "It said, 'My plan should have worked. Sweet dreams, Alison.'"

I shiver runs down my back and I have to gulp down tears that threaten to come. Someone tried to kill me? Who the hell would do that?

GiGi opens the stall door wide enough for her to fit in and hugs me. "I'll do anything to help, Alison."

"Even if it means helping me... find out who tried to kill me?"

GiGi looks unsure but nods anyways. "Ali, I hate to tell you. If the police don't know who did it, How can a couple of fourteen year olds figure it out?"

"I don't know yet..." I trail off and glance at Faith who is now sniffing Beau.

"Okay. We can discuss this at my house later. I'll call you later, k?"

I nod to GiGi. I have never been to her house, but I know that it is massive.

"Why don't you ride your big boy now?  I'll go get Dee." GiGi points at Beau and after I nod, she runs out of Faith's stall and over to Dee's office.

I glance at Beau who was staring bck at me. Time to unleash the beast.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

A few more pieces of the puzzle have been solved, yes?


Team Beau or Team Faith?

Who do you think tried to murder Ali and Beau?

What's the other evidence

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