Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

"Oh, honey!" Dee sees me and Mom walk into the barn. She runs over to me and buries me in a hug. I breath in the soothing smell of hay and horses. I relax a little.

"Hi Dee." She smiles at me and hugs mom.

"So I presume that you are here to see Beau?" She asks and I nod. Today I don't feel like asking to ride. Truthfully, I don't think that I was ready. 

I limp ahead of them and I feel uncomfortable. In my normal homey barn, I feel like and outsider. Stares from people that I have known for years and some that I have only met a few times glare at me and my leg. Or at least where it used to be. I round the corner to Beau's usual stall. That's strange, he isn't in there. His name plate and everything is still there, but he is missing. I turn around to see Dee and Mom eyeing me weirdly.

"Honey, seeing Beau might be a fright to you." Mom bites her lip and looks at the ground.

"I am fine! I just want to see my horse." Dee raises her eyebrows and points out the door and to the farm golf cart.

"He has been relocated as of the current... Situation." Okay... Not weird. I climb into the golf cart with Dee and Mom. Dee drives us across the farm to the farthest and smallest barn. It has three small stalls and one tiny paddock. I gulp, this was not right. He couldn't be here. This was were they kept the sick horses with a virus that can spread to the others. My eyes bulge. This is also where they kept uncontrollable horses.

It is called the Isolation Barn and has been ony used a few times in the past. I rush ahead of Dee and Mom and tare through the barn. There in the farthest stall is Beau. When he sees me enter the barn, he rears so high, I think he might stumble backwards. Cuts and gashes cover his body, some hard to look at. When I try to get closer, he bares his teeth and warns me to back off. Tears swell up in my eyes. This was not my horse. No way, no way. It had to be some kind of sick joke. I stumble to the ground as I rush out. I push myself up and run out crying, just as Dee and Mom get there.

''Alison! Come back!" I ignore that comment and I keep going. This is the fastest I think I have ever gone on these crutches. It is not a run, but a very fast walk. I keep walking and frankly, I don't care where. I just keep going.

I guess Mom decided to let me be alone for a little because nobody comes after me. Alone and crying, I sit in the corner of the pony pasture on the opposite edge of the farm where four small miniature ponies graze. They eat around me as I lean against an apple tree. There are two light grey ponies, one bay, and one roan with blue eyes. All with brown eyes but the one. The roan walks over to me and starts grazing by my hand. I reach up and pet her muzzle. She is just like me. Different than the rest. An outsider.

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Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to upload!! I legit can't stop writing. EDITED comment any mistakes thanks(:

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