Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

"Please focus your attention to number 486, Alison Michels riding Beau. " The announcer calls over the loud speaker.

I take a deep breath before entering the ring at sitting trot. I lean back a bit in the saddle, so my seat doesn't bounce much. Beau arches his neck beautifully as I steady my hands about two inches above his withers. In the center of the ring at X, I do a square halt and salute the judge. She gives me a slight nod back before I go back to sitting trot. At the C, I turn left and go down the long side of the ring at a sitting extended trot. At A, I have to make one twenty meter circle and start a slow canter at BF. I gently tap Beau with my inside leg and he lurches into a smooth rocking horse canter. Perfect. After the circle, I canter Beau along BFMC before turning a quick corner along the diagonal across the ring. This was what I was most worried about. The flying lead change.

Here goes nothing. At X, I quickly switch my leg positions at Beau's girth. He nails the flying lead change. Yay! Beau threatens to break into a trot, but I apply leg pressure to his side to keep him at a canter. At F, we go immediately from a canter to a working walk, then a medium walk at A. At KXM we go across the ring in free walk. Beau takes a quick stumble, but regains his footing. The test was almost over. This one had to be the most confusing I had ever done. Usually, tests are symmetrical. Whatever you do one one half the ring, you do on the other. But with this test, you didn't. Once we reach M, Beau goes into working trot and turns right down the long side. As we finish trotting the long side, I pull gently on the reins to guide Beau back down the center line where we started at the beginning of the test. Once again, at X we halt and salute the judge one final time. I wait a second and look up at the judge, she nods back at me, clearly impressed with the test. The stands erupt into cheers. This was by far the best test I have ever done.

I smile and walk over to the judge stand. "Thank you!" I grin and she smiles back. After that we free walk out of the ring. On our way out, I give Beau a pat on the shoulder.

"What an amazing boy you are!" I praise to him. He definitley deserved a carrot with frosting.

"Nice job." GiGi tells me before heading towards the arena for her ride.

Relief hits my face. The worst part is over. We are left only with my favorite part. Jumping.

"Awesome job, Ali!" Jill high-fives me and so does Mom.

"I'm so proud of you. And I'm sure your dad is, too." She says. I knew my mother was trying to be nice, but that made me upset. Three years ago, my dad died of cancer. It was the toughest thing I ever have been through. But I know he is at peace, watching over me.

"That was a great job, Ali! Lets wait for GiGi and Jill to ride, then we will head back. Placings are posted about twenty minutes after all the rides are done, and there are a few dozen riders left to go." I smile and nod in response.

GiGi does an amazing job on her test as suspected and Jill does well too, except she didn't nail her flying lead change. We all dismount before heading back to the barn. I loosen my girth.

Jill tells me, "You definitely deserve to win this, Ali. You at least have a chance."

"What!?" I exclaim to her as we amble away from the dressage rings.

"My flying lead change was shit." Jill pouts.

"I had some stumbles too, you know..." I fade off.

"Yeah but you guys were amazing."


Eight place - not me. Same with seventh, sixth, fifth, fourth, third, and second. Oh god, I didn't ribbon! I was afraid to look at who won. At shows, I have a habit of going up the list to look for my name. Kelly isn' in the ribbons as expected, Jill is in eighth, and GiGi is in third. I give in and look at who is in first. It reads: Alison Michels. What!? No. Way!!!!

"Eek," Jill runs over and hugs me, "Told ya so! Congrats."

Right before we get handed back our dressage tests that the judge marked on, Dee pulls me aside.

"Great ride, Hun." She says quietly.

"Thanks, Dee. Whats going on?" I really wanted to see how the judge scored me.

"Well, I got pulled aside by some man. He is from the United States Eventing Federation, or USEF."

"Yes, I know what that means." I say, sort of rudely.

Ignoring my comment, she continues, "This was just after your dressage ride, by the way. He asked me if Alison Michels was a student of mine. I said yes and he basically told me if you win AECs you would be the best junior eventing rider in the country."

I was NOT expecting that. I gulp. "What if I don't win?"

"Let's just say, I really hope you do." With that being said, she walks away.


On my dressage test, I get one seven, mostly eights, and even a few nines. As I read through my test notes, I sit in Beau's stall. It is quiet and private, just where I wanted to be. Out of my pocket, I pull a can on vanilla frosting and a bright orange carrot. Beau eyes me and walks over to try and snatch up the carrot. I push him away and dip the carrot into the frosting. I then I hand it to him. Before closing the frosting lid, I slide my finger through it and plop some in my mouth. Yum!


"Ali!?" Jill calls.

In answer, I slide open Beau's stall door.

"What the... Oh! Ali!" Jill says that quite loudly, causing people to stare.

"Hey, Ali. You said you wanted tell me something. Something important."

I nod and launch into the story Dee told me earlier. I plan on only telling her until the end of the show so nobody else can try to ruin it. A good example being Kelly.

After I finish, Jill blinks a couple of times. "Oh. That is, um, cool." She then just trails off into another awkward silence.

I wasn't really expecting that response coming from my best friend.

"Well, um, I, um, better get going. I want to check on Diva. My, um, horse." With that, Jill walks out of the stall, leaving me behind, confused.

Wouldn't she be proud of me? Maybe she is jealous and needs time for it to sink in. I decide on that answer. It had to be that answer.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Just an FYI about USEF. I totally made that up. USEF stands for US Equestrian Fed., and not US EVENTING Fed. And I made up the test as well if you can't tell haha EDITED Comment any mistakes Thanks(:

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