06 | Teenage boy

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After an hour Taehyung comes back into the room. He walked towards Jisoo while she's whining in anger. What happened?

"What's wrong?" Taehyung questioned and sat at the bed next to her. "This boy doesn't let me win the warzone!" She replied, putting down the controller and covering her face in frustration.

Taehyung sighed and took the headphones on her lap, he put it in his head and took the controller as well.

"What is his username?" He asked, "Faker97" she answered.

He placed the microphone in front of his mouth and started speaking.

"Hey Faker97" Taehyung spoke


"Do you know Kim Taehyung the most powerful mafia in South Korea?" He questioned.

"Yeah, I call him dumb head"

"My camera is off right?" Taehyung said with his deep and husky voice.

"Yeah don't you know how to play? You're such a loser!"

Taehyung fixed the camera so that he's the only one in the screen.

"Can you open yours?" He asked.

"Okay whatever"

"I'll open mine now" he said.

"I don't care"

He turns on the camera, the boy's eyes widen. His mouth was slightly open in shock.

"Faker, let my girlfriend win or I will destroy your life. Do you think I don't know you? Your name is Hwang Dohyun, you live in Gangnam, you go to an international university, you have a younger sister named Dahyun, your parents aren't that rich but I can kill you"

"Sir, I'm sorry please don't destroy my life. I promise I'll let your girlfriend win, please don't hurt any of my family"

"Good, speak nicely okay?"

"Y-yes...wait sir, you don't have a girlfriend though"

"It's my privacy, if you tell this to anyone you know what will happen to you and your family"

"I'm sorry sir"

He turn off the camera, he took off the headphones and placed it next to Jisoo. She was staring at him in confusion.

"Did you just threaten him?" She questioned, "yeah, here play" he answered "He's a teenage kid!" She stated, "I know" he replied.
"How'd you even know his privacy?" She asked, "I heard about him" he replied and give her the controller. She took it and stare at his dark brown orbs.

"I'll be back, I have something important to do" he spoke and caress her hair before leaving.

He left the room with no expression in his face. A guard suddenly ran into him, he looks so tired.

"Sir!" The guard spoke, "What?" He asked, "Mr. Choi is back, he wanted to destroy your life again sir" the guard answered, breathing heavily.

Taehyung's mood turns into a disappointment after he hears the bad news. "Track him, get all the weapons ready, we'll be taking 4 vans, now!" He ordered.
The guard left, running for another mission.

Taehyung POV

That old man, is back huh? I guess I'm gonna be busy these days. How can he comes back after he got shot and he almost die because of it. I can't believe he's still alive, I'll make sure to kill you.

End of POV

He walks downstairs through the living room. He got out if the house seeing his bodyguards just finished preparing.

"Sir the car is ready" the guard said, "good, let's go we need to take down that old man" he replied and sat at the passenger's seat.

Minutes after, they arrived at the place where Mr. Choi is located. Taehyung's guards are really smart when tracking an enemy, they are like FBI's!

The abandon factory, this place was abandon for years! So obviously no one comes here except for Mr. Choi became he do his business there.

"Gather around outside the factory, then 15 of you will come inside with me to take Mr. Choi down." Taehyung spoke

"So we're going to kill them now?" The guard asked

"Kind of, but for now we need to make sure he won't come back to us after this" he replied

"Go! Now!" He ordered, the guards started running and do what they need to to do. Taehyung got out of the car, holding an automatic riffle. He's biting his lower lip in seriousness, he hides at one of the tank near the entrance.

He spotted Mr. Choi talking to some men, they were holding a box of drugs! He is such an addict, out of blue Mr. Choi's men left now he was alone little didn't he know that Taehyung and his bodyguard was there.

Once Mr. Choi turn around in an apposite direction, Taehyung made sure that none of his bodyguards was there. So he stood up and shot Mr. Choi from the back, he shot him at his left leg too! Now he was bleeding in pain, he look around to see Taehyung standing while staring at him with a smirk.

Mr. Choi's guards heard the gunshot so they came back but then they got shock by Taehyung's guard who were hiding at the whole place around.

"So long sucker's, let's go!" Taehyung spoke and run back through the car. He was laughing from what have just happened to Mr. Choi just now.

"Come on, drive! I don't want to make my girlfriend wait for me." He spoke coldly to the bodyguard next to him which is the driver. His smile fade and that is called duality, he became serious for just a second. The guard nodded and drove off from the abandon factory through Taehyung's mansion.

They arrived at his house, it was looking so deem. The moon is up, it must be 18:00 PM or 19:00 PM by now. He enters the house seeing Jisoo giggling with the female cook while they are placing the dish on the table. She is really a total social butterfly but she's afraid of butterflies though. How cute! He stare at her and walked towards the dining table.

Jisoo noticed him so she give him a quick hug. She sat down at her seat as well as Taehyung, she smiles at her and he smiled back.

"Pasta, for dinner?" He asked the cook, looking at the kitchen where the female cook was. "Yes sir, I thought of cooking pasta for you and Ms. Kim tonight since you haven't eaten that food in a while, I'm sorry sir I'll cook another food-" the cook was cut off from her sentences by Taehyung.

"No, no, it's fine thank you for the meal tonight." He spoke and smile at the cook, he is craving of pasta since morning! The female cook was so confused by her boss's action, so she thinks that Taehyung will fire or kill her. "There's a fish fillet on the fridge, if you want I can heat it up for you sir." The cook spoke once again, she's afraid of Taehyung's actions right now.

"No, Ms. Yang it's fine you can eat that, I like pasta" he replied and smile at her again. This time the cook obeyed her boss and left the room.

"It looks like Ms. Yang wasn't believing of you being nice" Jisoo said teasingly, "Stop it" he replied and look at her with a pout.

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