15 | She caught him?

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Jisoo sighed as she walks around the sidewalk while looking on the ground. The cold breeze hits her skin, she looked around her and saw a café across the street.

She smiled and went there, a young female worker quickly came to her. She sat beside the clear window and ordered a hot coffee.

She sighed again and took her phone out looking at the messages that Taehyung received earlier. She's not sure if she have just dated Jinyoung, she haven't heard of him ever since he confesses his love for her during the second week of dating Taehyung.

"I feel betrayed...why did I even date him?" She muttered to herself, the female came back placing her drink on the table in front of her.

"Here's your drink Miss"

"Thank you"

She drank a sip of it and went out of the café, she didn't actually planned on staying but then when she saw a tall figure from afar, she realizes it was Taehyung.

With who? Who's that?

She look closely and it must be that girl Yoona again. She saw Taehyung giving the girl a bag of heels? That's odd, seriously.

The girl said something but she didn't hear their conversation, she left afterwards. The moment Yoona left Jisoo walked towards Taehyung, he was looking at his watch that he didn't even notice her.

"Who's that girl?" Jisoo asked, Taehyung look up "what?" He asked back, "stop playing dumb Tae, I saw you with another woman plus I saw a girl texted you after you left home" she stated and showed him what he showed to her friends earlier.

"About that.. it's not illegal to meet up with a girl right? Why are you making it a big deal? It's not like you know her" he said making Jisoo scoff in disappointment.

"Do you think I don't know her? She's probably the girl you're seeing! Just break up with me already if you don't have feelings for me anymore. It hurts more if you just keep playing, Tae I know I'm not that good enough but please-"

She couldn't finish her words, she bursts into tears thinking that no one loves her.

Taehyung pulled her for a hug but she immediately pushed him away, she wiped her tears and runaway. "I HATE YOU KIM TAEHYUNG!" she said.

Taehyung was so heart broken seeing her like that. Is it bad to not tell something to your partner? I guess yes..

Jisoo was a messed, she head back to Jennie's place. She entered and saw them having fun, she try hard not to make them hear her but unluckily they did. The door have a sound which made them look.

"Oh, unnie why are you crying?" Jennie asked, "I saw him with another woman he even gave her something!" She replied and sat next to them.

"Stop crying unnie"

"Yeah, he's not worth it"

"Did you two broke up?"

"No.. I runaway, I couldn't control my emotions"

"It's okay, stay here until you're ready to face him again"


22:16 PM

Lisa and Rosé left at Jennie's, while Jisoo went out to get a fresh air and clear her mind for a moment.

She really couldn't believe that he cheated on her but there is no official statement from him. It may sound weird but she felt really angry for not telling her who that girl is and why did Taehyung gave her something.

A sigh escaped her lips, she looks really down. Her head hung low, she was wearing a denim shorts that Jennie lend her and also she wore a coloured pitch hoodie.

It was kinda cold but she managed to released her body heat. Unexpectedly as she was about to go back on her way home at Jennie's a black car stopped and pulled her in.

She was shocked, she didn't get a chance to defense herself from the two men's that pulled her in the car because she doesn't have much strength to fight for herself.

One guy tied her wrist tightly with a duck tape. "Yah! Let me go! Who are you?!" Jisoo spoke, a guy that was seating on the passengers seat laughed at her question.

The guy look back and look at her deadly in the eyes, "I'm Kim Jun myeon, Suho for short." He answered, "Let's go, I'll introduce myself to you later. I bet your boyfriend won't even look for you" he followed and wore his dark sunglasses.

Before Jisoo could even speak further the guy on her left shut her mouth by taping it with the duck tape. A tear left her eyes realizing that she got kidnapped. How will she face Taehyung then? They had an argument earlier, so he is probably minding his own business.

She thinks that he won't even care because she knew Taehyung hates her. But why would he hate her? Even though he's the most powerful Mafia in South Korea he really never show his pure affection to anyone that made her think that she won't even make it alive without seeing him.

Im'ma leave it just like that for awhile, wait for the next chapter.

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