The swamp

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I forgot to put this detail in the desc, we're gonna start off where the twins haven't been sucked through the portal to Atlantis yet and NO SMUT, I don't see many of stories where Lucas is top and Brandon is bottom so thats what I'm doing, So let's just start basically my first story right off the bat yea? Also if you've seen the fable legacies thing I made I don't think I'm gonna continue that but you never know, I might just get so bored that I do it 7^7, it's also 3 something in the morning and I have school so wish me luck

*ship* *Landon*(don't come at me I still ship lake aight)
Setting: Salode but will soon switch to atlantide
Top:Lucas     Bottom: Brandon
Maybe a little bit of cursing

Ritchies POV: oh god damn it! Where did he go now, I've been searching for a couple hours in this god for shaken swamp and still he's no where in sight. "BRANDON" "BRANDON WHERE ARE YOU! I KNOW YOUR IN HERE SOMEWHERE" Ritchie shouted over and over again echoing. ( Thinking = ')

'This stupid swamp, I don't understand why he even comes here, I might as well know my way around the whole place by now!' "BRANDO-" Ritchie shouted once more but stopped, he heard quiet sobbing in the distance, Ritchie being Ritchie thought it was Brandon and went towards it only to find a hooded figure on a sidewalk, there was an old house in the middle of  the swamp with a sidewalk, the hood the boy, or what he could assume was a boy, looked awfully familiar, and then it clicked, Brandon had left with with that same hoodie, he knows because he seen him leave the
castle with the hood off of his head showing that it was him leaving.

Ritchie immediately fell towards Brandon worried because he'd never seen his own twin brother cry, well except when they were babies but that's besides the point.

Ritchie knew that his brother had been holding this all in so he decided not to say anything and comfort him instead, he moved Brandon's head to his lap and he curled into a ball crying his eyes out while all Ritchie could do it watch...

HAH. Now I need sleep but I will definitely continue this probably tomorrow, hope you liked it! And please, please leave a comment just saying how you'd rate this 1-10, 1 being that this story sucks and you never wanna see work like this again & 10 being that you loved it and would like a part 2, I'm not forcing anything apon you tho! Have a good night/day/afternoon!( honestly I don't care if you don't wanna see work like this from me because I'm doing it because I like it, but of course to the people who want a part 2 I won't keep ya waiting to long 😉 BYEEEE

Words:494, probably from me blabbing my mouth off 😂

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