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getting to know each other?!

After Lance was done eating, Vincent put up the dishes and washed them. Walking back towards Lance's room, but stopped once he saw him coming out of the room wearing an oversized button up shirt.

Vincent eyes narrowed and spoke, "What are you doing out of bed stupid mortal?" He said walking towards him and stopping in front of Lance.He looked up at the vampire and glared at him shortly before speaking. "I'm not stupid, I'm fairly smart" Vincent chuckled before saying, "Oh yeah, then what's—" He quickly clamped a hand over Vincent's mouth. "Oh shush!"  Vincent laughed softly removing Lance's hand from his mouth.

Vincent easily picked him up, letting their legs wrap around his waist making Lance smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. "Oou~ morning sex, don't mind if we do—" "Be quiet" Vincent placed him on the bed as he watched him pout. "Afternoon sex?" Hearing that made Vincent shake his head.

"Night se—" "How about you stop thinking about sex and we do something that you humans like to do" Vincent said rolling his eyes, but seeing Lance's confused face made him sigh. "Talk about each other, introducing, or something like that" Vincent said making Lance laugh softly as he sat up once the vampire sat down on the bed.

"Fine by me, so what do you wanna know about me?" Lance said making Vincent shrug his shoulder. "What do you humans say—" "So uneducated.. Okay I'll start with the questions" Lance said.

'I barely pay attention to you humans, so why would I know' Vincent said in his head. "What's your name, mine is Lance, CEO of Luxurious" Lance pointed at Vincent, wanting him to do the same.

"Vincent, Prince of Hell, Son of King of Evil, Lucifer. What you humans call him, Satan"

Lance almost choked on his saliva. "Son? Prince!?" Vincent stared at the shocked human with an unbothered look on his face. "Yes, that's what I said human. Now, next question" Lance shook his head trying to regain his composer.

"O-Okay then... I like fashion, what do you like?" Lance said. "I like killing, the quiet, except a certain someone.. " Vincent eyeing Lance down making his eyes widen slightly, feeling his face get warm. "And I like to sleep, since it helps restore energy" He finished.

They continued on with the questions until Lance asked, "If you're the Prince of Hell, why come to this shitty place called Earth, and why we're you injured?" Lance asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I got punished by my father, that's why I was injured, and I was sent to earth to live by the humans, he put in a random place and that's why I was here, in your place" He spoke bluntly.

"But.. Why did you get punished?" He chuckled softly. "Old bastard got petty because I beat him in a game of chess" Lance wanted to chuck a brick at Lucifer. "So he punishes you and forces you to come here? Because he lost a game of chess!?" He couldn't believe it, but seeing Vincent nod his head made him shake his head.

"I'm not mad about it though, at least he didn't take my powers away so I'll be fine, besides, this isn't new to me" Vincent said shrugging his shoulders a little. "So I'll be living here, with you, my little blood bag" Vincent said giving Lance a grin, showing his sharp canines making Lance blush.

"Also, don't worry about buying me stuff, I already have money" Vincent said standing up. "I also don't eat human food, sometimes, but only when I can't drink blood" Vincent was about to walk away but Lance grabbed his wrist.

"Then, let's go shopping!" Vincent frowned. "There's no need to—" "Nonsense! As a person who loves fashion, it's a must!" Lance said getting out of bed standing up with his eyes sparkling.

Vincent got near Lance, hearing his heart beat faster and could hear the blood flowing made him hungry. Looking down at him he spoke, "Calm your heart love, I can hear the blood running through your veins and I know your body still needs to recover" Vincent said in a soft voice, almost in a whisper.

"Can't help it! Fashion gets me excited!" Lance smiled brightly, trying to ignore the warm feeling on his face while pulling Vincent into his walk-in closet. "I have some clothes that might fit you, come my dear walking mannequin~!"

Vincent felt like he was going to regret being Lance mannequin.

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