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handsome stranger.

A fair fairly handsome male dressed in a nice suit made his way down to his office. The stares he got, he was unbothered by them. His slim body and perfect face, who wouldn't want to look? This beautiful man is called,
"Ah, M-Mr. Lucas" A lady employee stood in front of him. The male stood there as his two body guards stood behind him. "Yes..?" His voice was delicate, soothing to the ears. The lady employee blushed before bowing at a 90° angle, holding out a box of chocolates.

This was the tenth confession, this week. The male then smiled softly. "I'm sorry, I cannot reciprocate your feelings" The male said before he walked past the lady who went back to her desk, she already knew he would turn her down. Everyone knew the reason. The reason is because, their boss, Lucas Hampton, was gay.

Lucas entered his office alone, his bodyguards standing outside his door. Taking off his coat he threw it on the nearest chair and proceeded to sit at his desk letting out a small annoyed huff. "So boring, those women are ugly, even the men here.. Tch! Why did I even hire such ugly people?" Lucas grumbled to himself rolling his eyes.

"Same bullshit, different day"

Lucas started to do his work, finishing up some he started from last time. He did this until it was lunch break.

Standing up and grabbing his keys and coat and left his office. "I'm going to get some food, don't follow me" Lucas said, partially the truth, partially not. Going towards the exit of the building while putting on his coat and exited the building company he owns, Luxurious. Entering his car easily and quickly drove off to a destination he had in his head.


The car came to a stop as Lucas put the car in park in a parking spot. Getting out, the car automatically locking, Lucas began walking the side walk, heading towards the convenience store, wanting some candy. Entering the store he wasn't surprised to see people stop and stare at him. Paying no mind he went to the candy aisle and quickly grabbed the candy he was craving. He knew he would have lunch waiting for him at the office but candy was important to him right now.

Lucas paid for his candy and quickly left the store. Quickly going back to his car and driving back to his company not wanting to waste anymore time on his lunch break.



Lucas happily/frustratedly let out as he leant back in his chair. "Stupid employees, don't know how to do their job right.. Better be lucky I'm so forgivable" Lucas grumbled before looking at his phone to see the time. '9:27 p.m' it read. Lucas stood up, stretching. "Time to head home~" Lucas hummed softly. He made sure everything was in its correct spot before leaving his office and went down to his car.

Getting inside, starting up the engine and peacefully drove home while humming to some music that was playing from the radio. Once he made it home he parked his car in the drive way, grabbing all of his belongings, which consisted of his phone and keys. Heading towards the front door, his keys ready to go through the key hole he noticed that the door was created open.

Confused, Lucas carefully and quietly placed his keys and phone in his pockets before entering his house quietly. Closing the front door softly making sure it doesn't alarm the intruder(s) and locked it. Lucas's heart was beating fast, adrenaline made him feel widely awake. Seeing blood footprints trail on the wooden floor to the living room he noted that the intruder was injured.

Going to the kitchen and grabbing a knife, he made his way to the living room. Lucas wasn't scared. He was sick of this 'boring' life and wanted something to spice it up. There was no way he was gonna let this slip between his fingers.

The trails lead Lucas to the couch. What Lucas had saw had shocked him. It ended up making him drop the knife he had on the carpeted floor. There was a handsome male asleep(unconscious) on his couch, but what really was the problem was that h—
"What the fuck! You got blood stains on my couch!? Do you not know how hard that is going to be to clean up!?"

[YoU sPiLlEd LiPsTiCk In My VaLeNtInO bAg!?]

Lucas didn't care that the male was injured at this point and went up to unconscious male, grabbing his shoulders shaking him a bit. "Hey! You! Stop putting your blood on my couch!! It's going to take forever to clean it out dumbass!" Lucas said angrily. "Shut up" Lucas mouth instantly shut close. Not only this injured stranger was hot, but this injured stranger had a sexy voice too.

A blush formed on Lucas cheeks. "Y-You!" Lucas couldn't think of anything else to say. Lucas scanned his body to see where the blood was coming from and saw that his arm was injured, poking it softly suddenly made a strong grip around his wrist.

Looking up at the handsome stranger, the stranger had grabbed onto Lucas wrist. "Oh, does it hurt?" Lucas asked knowing full damn well it do. The strangers eyes narrowed, showing hostility, staring at Lucas. "Who are you?" The handsome stranger asked making Lucas grin.

"Lucas Hampton and you're in my house, handsome stranger"

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