Please Hold Me

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Perth's POV...

"Ai Perth asshole, how much longer will you drink like this? You have been drinking non-stop since you came here. When will you stop? The owner of this bar warned me to kicked us out if you don't stop."

Perth and Yacht came to a bar to drink but actually Perth was the one who dragged his friend there saying that he gives him a treat. Yacht didn't know the reason anyway.

Perth had only been drinking since they got there. He didn't even let his friend took even a sip.

"Who said you are a teetotaler??no one call you that anymore if anyone sees you in this stage. Just drink slowly atleast." Yacht advised and lamented to his friend, looking at his condition. But Perth didn't listen to him. Actually he overcame the stage.

"Won't you pay attention to me what I am saying?? At least look at me buddy." Yacht made Perth looked at him as he turned his Friend's face with his hand.
But as soon as Perth saw him, his face reaction was totally changed.

"Hey Pete, have you come looking for me?" Perth said looking at his friend. Actually he thought it was Pete in front of him. This is the hallucination caused by drinking for the first time.

"Pete?? Am I looking like Pete or am I become more handsome suddenly." Because of his friend's hallucination words Yacht teased himself.

"Why did you said that Pete? How can you say like that to me?" Perth grabbed Yacht's shirt collar because of the thought that he was his Pete, and demanded his answer.

"What are you asking me? What did he say to you?" Yacht had no idea what's going on with him but little bit did he understood that they had fight with each other.

"Answer me Pete! How can you say like that to me? Are you disgusting about me now? You don't love me anymore? Tell me Pete, why did you say like that?" Perth was crying while asking this. Yacht never saw Perth crying before but as soon as he saw him crying, he understood something big happened between them and he also understood the seriousness of the matter.

Not only that Perth was trying to kiss him, I mean he was trying to kiss Pete in his Point of View.

"Oai Oai Oai, Perth! Calm down your horses, look at me buddy I am not your Pete. Just open your eyes, I am your friend Yacht, look at me clearly." Yacht grabbed both his arms and shook him to bring him to self-remembering.

"Yacht??" Perth stared his friend well and slowly shook his head and yelled his Friend's name as he was coming to his senses.

"Er, it's me Yacht. What happened both of you?" So he asked irritatedly.

"Yacht?? Shit, leave me idiot." When he identified his friend he immediately pushed him away.

"Aw, why did you push me??"

"Why did you hold me then?" Perth shouted at him immediately.

"You were lamenting to me like you were crazy thinking of me as your Pete. That’s why I tried to bring you to your self-remembering. Come on Perth, please stop drinking. I can understand you two have some problems but alcohol is not a solution for it. Talk to him and solve your problems. If you keep your mind open and talk you will find a solution."

He, too, as a friend took a good intellectual advice for him. But as for Perth, He is not in a position to listen to the advice of his friend. Because Perth was very hurt by Pete's words before.

After a while...

"Hoo, you are too drunk buddy. How can a person like you get drunk this much?"

Yacht took Perth to his car, carrying him on his shoulders, to take his drunken friend to his house.

"Aw aw, come on Perth watch your steps."

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