Great Conflict - Last chance

205 13 4

On a bridge........
10.30 p. m......

"Pete!! Coke??"

As Pete and Mean were coming over a bridge in their car, Pete told his friend Mean to stop the car for his peace of mind. So Mean stopped the car immediately without any second thought. As soon as the car was stopped Pete got down immediately and went to the side of the bridge, leaned on the edge of the bridge and immersed himself in a deep thought as he watched the calm sea.

Mean, who saw that Pete was standing there as if he hated his own life, intended to comfort Pete.

"No Mean, it's ok."

Pete said in an emotionless voice and looked at the sea again and started thinking. For Mean, it was very confusing how to comfort his friend who was in this uncured situation.

"Pete! Er......."

"Mean! Do you think my decision was wrong?? But, I have made this decision with clear thinking and there is no change in it."

Pete said so and looked at his friend Mean with severe depression and anxious eyes....

"But..... I don't want to lose you." Mean said anxiously.

"Mean! Trust me. I promise, you won't lose me whatever happens. And I will always be your best friend in any situation and anywhere I will be."

Pete took Mean's hand gently and hold it and said as he looked at the holding hands.

Are you guys wonder what is happening here and what decision are they talking about?? If you want to know let's go back an hour.

"Pete!! What are you doing?? Why are you always choose him over me??" Perth got up from the floor where he was fall and grabbed Pete's shirt collar with so much anxious.

"Because he was my best friend and now my boyfriend. But, who are you to me?? What relationship do we have?? Do you have any answer for this?"

Pete asked the person who was standing in front of him and grabbed his collar. But as always the opposit person had no answer for this.

"Ooh, sorry sorry I forgot. I forgot that You won't have the answer to any of my questions." Pete said in a sarcastic manner.

"Pete! May be I don't have answers as you said but You know how much I like you?" Perth raised his voice while he still grabbed his collar, irritated by Pete's sarcasm.

"Ooh really?? You like me?? But....... In what way you like me? Sex buddy??? Friends with benefits?? Or your Sex toy??"

Pete too raised his voice. But all of his questions are very reasonable. Because Perth was treating him that way. And Perth too understood it really well.

"Pete, please don't kill me with your words?? I can't handle it?"

Perth, hearing his words, could not bear the pain in those words and his guilt began to flow from his eyes as tears.

"But you used me this way, don't you?" Pete asked him tiredly because he was really tired of being a loser in his love for Perth.

"Saint! What's happening here?? What are they talking about?? What does Pete mean??"

Zee knew nothing about the friends with benefits relationship between Pete and Perth. So it was a big shock to Zee when Pete asked Perth questions about it.

"P'....., P', don't get panic na, I'll explain it to you later."

Noticing the tension on Zee's face and the confusion of not understanding anything, Saint tried to calm him down.

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