I will make you mine

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While Saint was walking towards the room where Pete was admitted after get back from the heat make out session with his ex boyfriend, he couldn't contain himself nor avoid the thoughts about the previous session flashing out of his mind.

After a long time, his P'Zee's lips on his was the best gift for him. Because for him, Every night and day passed with Max, like he was standing on thin ice. Because he didn't know what Max will do to him to make him his. Yes, after Saint get together with Max, he didn't touch Saint yet. Because, he wanted to having Saint with his permission not in force.

So, with Max's motto, Saint was protecting his chastity. But, we can't hide the fear Saint was having, that when will Max get tired on his own motto and have Saint without his will. In that embarassing mental fear, Zee's previous action was a confident that he wasn't alone. His P'Zee still loves him as much as Saint loves him. But, the only think he couldn't process that, Zee was kissing him, is it because of the longing or the jealousy or anger.

Thinking about many of these thoughts, Saint reached Pete's room. But the moment he arrived, he noticed Zee and his friend Jimmy was talking outside Pete's room. The moment he saw Zee, Saint's confused face flushed with shy with the thought of the previous moment. Moreover, Zee's face suddenly turned into an awkward one, not knowing what to do. He was trying to hide his face and not staring at the younger but he couldn't.

And this sudden change of Zee didn't unnotice by Jimmy. So, Jimmy too staring at the two males alternatively.

seeing this stumbling block and awkwardness of Zee, Saint quickly opened the door of the room without delay to get into Pete's room. Because he knew he was the reason behind Zee's awkwardness. He thought he already made Zee's life miserable with breaking up with him. So, he didn't want to make him feel more worry.

"Hey Zee, I thought you're a smart guy."
Jimmy noticed Saint going in through the opened door and asked Zee.

"What are you talking about?" Zee couldn't understand Jimmy's sudden statement, it made a puzzle in his mind.

"You think I can't understand your yearning for Saint?"

"W-what? Are you nuts?" With Jimmy's accusation Zee stuttered with his words and forced a fake smile on his lips.

"Dude! I can clearly see the longing in your eyes when you looking at Saint. God, if eyes could make a person pregnant, Saint would be in to the delivery ward right now." Jimmy said jokingly as he just rolled his eyes at his friend.

And it made the younger who was eavesdropping them behind the slight opened door giggled at the same time made his cheeks glowing in pink. But, it didn't last long and the smile on his face replaced by sad and anxious one because of the elder's upcoming statement.

"Are you going nuts Jimmy? You have imagining things. You think I am longing for the person who broke my trust? You think I am longing for the person who was break my heart in to dust? Just for that mother fucker Max? No freaking way." Zee said sternly. Even though he seemed furious on outside, he couldn't ignore the weight in his chest when he state those of his POV.

Saint heard all his words and, unable to hear Zee, closed the door behind him, feeling guilty, and went in.

I know I hurt you P'Zee, I really am sorry for that and please understand that I didn't do that anything on my will. And I still love you but it hurts when I think, that you're thinking me this low.

With this heart weight, Saint went in.

"You think I am sort of an animal in my clinic to do and trust whatever you say? You really suck at making excuse and hiding your feelings, you know that?."

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