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"Sugawara? Well, I think he's really refreshing. I could absolutely see myself hanging out with him some more."

With those words, my heart fluttered. Though, I wasn't supposed to hear that, as I may or may not have been eavesdropping, I couldn't help but feel flattered. It was Oikawa's voice, maybe that's why it sounded so nice. I shook my head, trying to ignore my thoughts, and made my way to our next class. It was the one we shared, so no one could blame me if I was a tad excited. I sat in my normal window seat and took out my books, opening another book up to read until class started. That was when I received a text, more specifically, one from Oikawa. 'Hey can I sit with you today? 0-0 I heard some girls wanted to snatch a spot with me and I don't feel like doing that today ^^,' I rolled my eyes to myself with a short smile, replying with a short 'okay :)' and closing my phone again.

People were trickling in, Oikawa being one of them, and soon enough the class was all here. Oikawa nudged me softly and smiled, waving. I waved back with a small smile, and closed my book. "Thanks again Koush!~" He said, cheerfully. My heart skipped a beat slightly, but I chose to try and ignore it. "It's fine, really." I replied, looking over at him, though I looked out the window when I noticed I was staring a tad.

The lecture began earlier on, and I haven't really focused on anything, just a certain someone. Oikawa was staring, very confused, at his paper. I looked over at him, leaning over to see what he was doing, he quickly covered his page, noticing me, and hissed slightly. "Na uh! No peeking!" He yell-whispered over to me. I held a laugh, nodding and putting my hands up slightly, "Alright, alright." I leaned back, and tried to pay attention, keyword, try.

"And that concludes that. Now, for the next unit, we will have a paired project, I trust you can pick your own partners and complete this by the end of the month." The teacher continued as Oikawa tapped my shoulder with his pencil, leaning towards me, "Hey, can we be partners?~" He whispered with a bright smile. I nodded, "As long as you'll actually do the work" I teased, Oikawa pouting slightly, "You sound exactly like Iwa-Chan" I rolled my eyes playfully, he quickly got over it though, and went back to his happy state. We tuned back into the lecture, and it turns out we have to do a book project, we both agreed to meet up at the nearby coffee shop on Sunday, since we had the party today. I thought about skipping the whole thing, but he said that he would be there, so maybe it wouldn't be so bad. I dismissed those thoughts, I shouldn't get carried away with thoughts like that, too risky. Not many knew, only some, but falling deeply in love is very dangerous, if you truly fell for someone who didn't accept your confession, death came for you. It happened to my Mother, my father 'loved' her so deeply, until she caught him with another, that's when it began. She started to lose any memory of my father, and down the line, she claimed she never had a son. It was like hell seeing her suffer like that when that man just left. I sighed, the professor drawing me out of my mind, it was time to leave. Oikawa said goodbye, that was, after he continuously asked me to go eat with him and a few others. I only declined, because I wanted to go take a nap for a while. I wasn't quite in the mood to socialize with others.

I checked the time, it was getting close to 2: 30, which was my next class time, so I reluctantly got up to freshen myself up. I looked over to my phone screen, Daichi had sent me a voice message, 'Party. Tonight. I will hunt you down if you don't come.' I shuddered slightly, I could feel his scary stare through the screen. I replied with a brief, 'ok' and sighed, grabbing my bag and locking up the place before heading to class. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

And done! 

Sorry this is a bit shorter than the last few! I wasn't feeling creative

but we got a look into Suga's feelings 0-0 

Anyways, as always, I hope you've enjoyed!

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