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-Minhyuk as much I love you that much  please sit on your ass because from this your walking in a circle I already feel dizzy-I say

-Where's that plane-He asks me as he sits down

-It's gonna be just over soon and we see them-I sigh-Shit how hot today

We have been sitting at the airport for an hour waiting for the young.  Out of boredom, I probably managed to take millions of photos and even posted a post on Instagram.  Min is not calmly waiting for them.  On the one hand, I understand him, he has not seen Changkyun for a week and has been haunted by nightmares related to that unfortunate day for three days.  One night, when I woke him up crying, he admitted that he already understood how Kyun was feeling and why he was so afraid of falling asleep.  He himself does not want to return to this view anymore.  Of course, I try to help him all the time, but only talking to Jooheon, who told me that Changkyun had the same problem, helped me understand that I could not do anything.  They just have to be with them already.  It's really amazing how strong the bond they have.

-Kiki I really have a bad feeling-says-No, I can't stand it-he growls and then gets up and leave

- Where are you going? - I catch up with him

-Find out what's going on

-When should the plane be?

-20 minutes ago Kihyun and the plane should not be late-says-Good morning I would like to know about the flight from Bongkok because it is still not there and it should already be

-I will find out-he says and calls somewhere-Hello, I have a question about the flight A356. I get it -it hangs up-Someone from the management is coming and will explain everything to you

- Explain what?-Minhyuk asked and I felt the fear myself

-Please wait

-Kihyun-looks at me and in his eyes knowledge of fear

- Hello, my name is Lee Joosun and I am the air traffic manager.  There was a problem with flight A356, i.e. from Bongkok to us, it was lost during turbulence and we cannot find it or contact the crew.  All information will reach you on a regular basis at this moment, please be patient, our experts are already taking care of it - he says and there is a commotion next to him

-How could you lose the plane-growls Minhyuk and I quickly press him to myself even though he feels fear himself

-We need to call the rest- I say, and he nods.  I take out my phone and dial Wonho

-Where are you?-I hear his happy voice

-Hyung call the rest and come to the airport.  The guys' plane was lost- I speech

-Wait what?

-I just don't know there was turbulence and I don't know.  Minhyuk is crying here, I don't know they say that the plane is lost, I say

- Soon we will - hangs up

-I promise this station is a priority and will be resolved

-I hope otherwise, you will have huge problems-I growls and he nods fearfully

Two hours later, all five of us are sitting waiting for news.  After the boys came, they immediately went for information.  The main conversation was Shownu who learned that the plane during turbulence while fighting was stuck in a vortex of the wind, so the airport lost it on the map and they cannot be contacted.  It is not known where they are now and whether they are safe.  Minhyuk, hearing that, broke down more and sits huddled in me.  Hyungwon is next door playing with the bracelet that the boys gave him for Christmas.  Wonho goes to find out something every now and then and I try to calm my boyfriend.  Shownu, also nervous, looks out the window playing with his leg.

-It makes no sense for us all to sit here-says Min-go to the hotel

-Don't even start, my seat is here and I'll be sitting on that bench until they land safely-says Shownu

-Damn, they must know something already-says Wonho and they all look down

-Minhyuk !!! -we hear a scream and my boyfriend jumps up and bumps into the boy. I'm myself gets up and I run to the other one.

-All good? Are you okay? - I tilt him away from me and see if he's okay

-Despite the fear, we are okay Hyung-says and I hug him tighter-I was afraid-whispers and I nod my head

I look to the side and see Changkyun, apologizing and crying, cuddling up to Minhyuk.  Right next to them is Hyungwon who, no longer holding back tears, hugs them to him.  I give my place to Wonho.

-Damn, how scared we were-he says

-Not you the only hyung-replies Jooheon

-Can we get out of here,I wants to find myself in the hotel room-asks Changkyun and I nod my head


We take the suitcases and leave the airport and then get into the car.  Changkyun cuddled up to Jooheon in the back and we with Minhyuk in front.  The rest drives the second car.  On the way I ask if they want to eat something but they nod their heads at them which I understand.  Arrive at the place where the guys register at the reception and take the keys to their room where we all go.  Once there, Jooheon talks about the whole situation pissed off, walking around the room and Kyunie hugs Minhyuk.

- Only when I saw you I felt relieved - he says sitting down and immediately being hugged by Changkyun

-You are banned from going beyond the end of Korea without us-says Shownu

-You really think I want to think about flight now?  All I want is to spend this week with you guys without thinking about today's flight-says Changkyun

-We will start everything tomorrow, today go have a good rest? -I ask

-And my toffee noodles?- The youngest asks me

-Should I do it for you? -I ask and he nods-Now-he make a move again -Okay-Im get up

-Kyuna, I'll just go help Kihyun and I'll be right back right? -Joo asks him and he nods and releases him, cuddling to the first person next to him, that is Wonho, who closed him in his arms, nodding to us.

We leave their room and go to mine and Hyuka who is opposite.

-This crap is Min in the morning getting ready to pick you up-I say and go to the kitchen-What do you want to tell me?

-It was terrible hyung. I thought it was over, we would die

-I know Jooo but you're safe with us already-I say and he nods

-It was worse with Changkyun. From the notebook, he took a piece of paper on which he wrote that he loves us and if he ever was bad for us, he apologizes.  This sheet of paper was still folded in his hand

-That's why he has these crescents on his hand-I ask and he nods

-This is and he doesn't even feel it because of adrenaline

-Now you need to improve your mood-I say-You will help me make pasta for your little one now

-Ever hungry toddler


-Forget the last three days were tough but before that I felt an improvement

-Minhyuk also slept badly

-The bond of these two is some cosmos-he says, taking the toffee out of the cupboard and laughing, I admit he is right

-Jooheon, you know that you can tell me everything right?

-I was really scared, hyung-he says with tears in his eyes and I quickly pull him to me

-Now now

Okay Kihyun, your role is to make this boy and his baby laugh today and for that you need food and Wonho.

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