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Our stay in the States passed quickly.  Sightseeing, fooling around with the whole crew, was something everyone wanted.  In fact, everyone except Changkyun knew what this trip was about, and certainly today's dinner.  Everyone was getting ready for this moment and were excited.

Was me too?  To some extent yes, however more nervous. I was afraid of the answer, i was afraid of Changkyun's reaction.  I am afraid that i would destroy everything by myself .  I knew that my mom and the boy's mom helped me in the preparations, but I still worried in advance.  This is going to be the most important and best day of  our live

I was now lined up in front of the hotel entrance.  i even bought new clothes for this occasion.  And no, it was Minhyuk who forced me to buy these clothes, saying that I cant  ask his brother in some rags. Sweetheart.  I specially rented a car and was leaning against it, but when I saw my boyfriend, something broke in me. His until now dark haired now stood in gently purple hair and looked like a diamond.  The most beautiful on the world.

-Tadam!  What do I look like-he asked, facing him

-I would like to find a word to describe it as wonderful, but I can't- admitted

-enough hyung-laughed-Where are we going?

-Surprise- I  winked

We got in the car and drove to one of the must have seen restaurants mentioned by the younger one.  Of course, Changkyun couldn't believe that I really took him to this place. we ordered dishes which later ate together anyway, praising the kitchens.  The dishes were a paradise for the palate of each of ous.

After dinner, I decided to make another younger dream come true and took him to a pastry shop, where he bought his favorite cupcakes and went to the beach with them.  We both felt really happy as they walked across the sand, eating sweets.  At one point, you could already see a white tent and candles around it.  Without restraining, we continued walking.

-Woow how nice it is, I wonder who did it-Changkyun replied

-Me-I laughed softly

-Wait what?

-Come on-I smiles and helps him sit up

I had to admite that my sister did a good job. Satisfied, I sat down and opened the champagne she  had prepared.  I poured into two glasses and handed it to the younger one with a smile.

-When are you dothis?  Everything? - He asks, pointing with his hand

-I have my own ways

-Wooow, thank you Joo

-For what?

-For your ways

-This is just the beginning Kyunie-smiled and seeing Minhyuk showing his thumbs in the distance. Ok its time.

-Come with me-asked and the younger one nodded

I took him to the shore of the ocean.  We both could  felt the waves splash their cool water on ous from time to time. We also can seen the stars slowly appear in the sky. I start looking at him nevously. What if i say something bad?

-Hyung?  All good?

-Have I ever told you how I felt when I first saw you?-I asked, turning towards him

-Then at the hospital?

-No silly-I laughed-I mean yes, it's true, then we met face to face for the first time, but we knew each other before, I got a lot of your photos, I had access to your Instagram, I saw you and then I felt that I wanted to see you live, hear  your voice, look into your wonderful eyes


-Because I fell in love like crazy.  And today I love you even more.  Damn Changkyun, I don't think anyone in this world has figured out how much I love you.  There is no such word to describe it.  However, believe me that I do it hard, I know that you think about yourself and what is going on in your head more than once, but for me it is another reason to love you.  You are the best that I have ever been in my life, the only person I love so much and the only one that I have ever loved, so let me ask you the most important question for me at the moment, so.  Im Chankyun, wolf will you spend the rest of your wonderful life with me? - I asks making Changkyun burst into tears and only nods his head yes-Really ??

-Yeah Jooheon-he says smiling through his tears

-Damn it !!!" - I screams at the whole voice, making the younger one laugh, but after a while I comes up to him and puts the same ring on his finger and then I kiss him hard

Shouts and squeaks of joy appear around ous, and after a while you can see fireworks of various colors in the sky.  Seeing my boy happy and delicately tearful smiles hugging his parents and older brother himself,I  cannot hold back his tears and together with the rest I thrown into the whirl of celebration.  Celebrating my engagement to the most wonderful person in this world.

PuppyHoney // Jookyun ✔️Where stories live. Discover now