chapter 32

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Malfoy Manor Aesthetic


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We stepped off the train, saying our goodbyes to Terence and Adrian and wishing them a good winter break as they departed into the crowd.

Violetta proceeded to take my hand, weaving us through the students along the platform as she spotted someone familiar.

We walked past a few carriages until we finally reached her target, slowing as we approached a house elf hovering beside a pillar.

They appeared to be a very scrawny creature, their small frame covered only by a dark grey smock and some brown shoes that seemed too big for their feet.

Their eyes were framed large upon their face, green and doe-eyed in some pure sense.

Violetta released my hand as we approached, kneeling down without hesitation and embracing the creature in a brief hug.

"Dobby! I've missed you."

"Dobby has missed you too, the manor has been awful quiet without you and the young master around," the elf pulled back, offering a slight lopsided grin.

"I bet," Violetta smiled in return, reaching into her pocket for the pack of pepper imps she'd bought at Honeydukes, "here, I didn't forget."

The elf's eyes lit up as he took her gift, "thank you miss, most generous as always."

She stood up, gesturing towards me, "this is my friend Seraphina, she'll be staying with us for the holidays."

He nodded in understanding, offering a polite handshake which I returned warmly.

"It's nice to meet you."

"Same to you miss, Dobby is at your service."

We retracted back just as Draco and Tom arrived, both dressed in identical black suits.

The elf jumped with excitement as he spotted them, running over to Draco and hugging onto his leg affectionately.

"Young master! Dobby has missed you sir," he beamed, squeezing Draco's calf, pure contentment across his face.

I bit my cheeks to stop from laughing as Draco cleared his throat in return, waiting patiently for the creature to let go before replying

"Yes, yes it seems so. I'm glad to see you're in good spirits."

Tom greeted the elf with a polite nod, which seemed to satisfy the friendly sprite to no end.

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