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the bullet barely missed him as we ducked on the side of the island. it grazed his skin so he was still bleeding.

i took his pistol off his hip and shot at two of the three people outside. the third was running but jacob came out and shot him.

we went out there and took their masks off. they weren't any of ours so we knocked them out and took them for questioning.

then kobe pulled me to the side,
"we needa talk let's go upstairs." he said.
"if this is about us agai-"

"no if that was the case i'd say bedroom." he smirked.

i rolled my eyes and headed up the stairs. we went into his study and he locked the door behind him.

"quit rolling your eyes at me des." he said.
"no the fuck" i said and he grabbed my throat.

imma stop playing before we have sex before we discuss the more serious matters.

"anyways," i said smacking his hand down and going to get the first aid kit to clean the blood off him.
"i think the leader is manolo." i said and he stopped me dead in my tracks.

"desire really?" he said laughing.
"and if he's the leader why didn't he take you a long time ago." he said with his arms crossed.

"i haven't worked it all out yet but it makes sense." i said.

"at the club he only paid attention to me and the guard said he's already been there 'ain't that right candy' so the leader obviously knows me." i began.

"and two when manolo spotted the camera in the private room he rushed out. at first i thought it was because i got mad, but you don't even get scared of me when i'm mad." i explained.

"i do when you're mad with a gun." he joked.

"be serious!" i exclaimed.
"ok, ok wait! you think he was trying to get closer to you, and that's why he moved in next door?" kobe asked and my eyes widened.

"ok but if he doesn't want to kill me what does he want?" i asked.

"i think i know somebody who can answer that but we need to wait until mike is well rested." kobe said.
"why not wale him up now?" i said getting impatient.

"you forgetting he was tortured and almost beat to death. go check up on your friends." he said pointing at the door.
"you're right." i said giving him a hug.

i looked up at him while we were hugging and he brung our lips together. i wanted to push away but i still liked him.

he added tongue and we moved to his desk. he sat me on it and started playing with the bottom of my tank top. then i realized where this was going.

i pushed him off of me.
"stop." i said.
"i'm gonna go check on them like you said." i awkwardly smiled.

"des, are you really still mad at me?" he asked.
"i'm not mad at you, i just can't do that with you if i'm not with you." i shrugged.

"what about other people, you'd have one night stands?" he asked.
"ok but i didn't catch feelings for them i did it for you." i said walking out.

he really just wants to fuck, i cant do that with him. i need to get laid and get my mind off of him. i don't like catching feelings, especially when the person you like gets on your nerves and irritates your soul.

i pulled myself from my thoughts, realizing i was at mike's room. i opened the door and went to him who was sitting on his bed.

"hey bub, you okay?" i asked.
"yeah, i got the bullet wound cleaned and the stab wounds. i showered the blood off too." he said.
"ok well come on." i said pulling him to the bathroom so i could see him in the light.

i brought the first aid kit with me from the study and wrapped his cuts so they wouldn't get infected. and gave him a hug.

"i can't lose you, you're all i have left." i cried into his chest as he squeezed me tightly.

"about that..." he trailed off.
"you have more family still." he said and i looked at him in disbelief.

"come on." he said taking my hand and we left the bathroom.

we went back to the study.
"kobe tell her" mike said and kobe nodded.

he went to the wall and called iris in. she walked in and kobe gave her a look, iris nodded showing she understood. i was so confused until she spoke.

"my name is iris smoak, and i'm your grandmother on your father's side."


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