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i went to my bathroom to freshen up because i was crying, stressed, and sweating. i heard the door closing meaning kobe left.

i laid my outfit down as i went to go pick out the shoes. just as i picked them out my mom came into my room.

"what is your dad's mom doing here?" she asked me.
"she was already working for kobe when i got here," i shrugged.

"you sure she's not here to get you from the inside?" my mom whispered to me.
"i know you just got back so you might be a little paranoid, but from what i can see she's being a guide," i explained.

"what kind of guide?" my mom asked.
"telling us how their gang worked, she's helped me so much," i smiled.
"oh," my mom said a little off but i chose to ignore it seeing as she's been held prisoner by a gang for a couple years-

she left and i turned back to my outfit, continuing to get ready and putting it on...

she left and i turned back to my outfit, continuing to get ready and putting it on

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i smiled as i looked at my reflection in the mirror. when kobe takes me out he'll be overprotective as fuck today. i laughed at my thoughts before sprinkling a little body glitter on the top of my chest.

i did a spin in the full body mirror to boost up my confidence a little before walking out the door. once again they waited for me at the bottom of the stairs.

kobe brought me into his arms and pecked me on my lips. i smiled at him then my mom stepped in.

"so this is your man?" she asked.
"it's complicated," i explained.
"awe ok," she nodded.

we went out to the car and he opened the passenger door for me. i got in and he went to the other side and got in.

he locked the doors and exhaled before looking at me,

"so about your mom-"
"so about my mom-"

we both said at the same time...

"you go first," i said putting on my seatbelt.
"do you think i'd have to ever ask for her blessing since your dad is out of the picture?" he asked and i choked on air.

"not for marriage," he corrected putting on his seatbelt and i laughed awkwardly.

"oh, well i don't think so... she just got back. plus you got mike and iris's blessings," i shrugged.
"you right," he said nodding.

"what were you going to say?" he asked me.

"i don't wanna talk to mike about it because he'll get defensive," i began and kobe nodded.
"but i think my mother might be here up to something," i said and kobe tilted his head at me.

"come on des, that's your mom," he said and i nodded.

"i know, but something just seems off. i'm going to keep an open mind just in case," i said and he shook his head starting the car.

"so where we going now?" i said looking at my watch, it's around 10 now.

"my place," he smiled.
"you mean the one we just left?" i smiled with sarcasm.

"nope, my other one," he said turning into a circular driveway.

he pressed a button on his car that opened the garage door. he parked and helped me out the car.

he unlocked the door to the house and once i seen the interior my eyes watered...


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