Brown X Reader

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There was a major difference between the trio of agents and it showed heavily on the smallest of the three, Agent Brown. In the office he was nicknamed many things but pretty boy was what your specific name was for him. The other was simple Smug boy Smith and Big boy Jones.  But Brown varied very heavily from the other two espcially in age wise. He looked like a puppy compared to them. The way his face held no wrinkles and looked awfully youthful, not a blemish on his flawless skin. His nose upturned and his lips! You could not understand that this beautiful man had such an enticing pair with a plump bottom lip that you wanted a taste of. With a hand under your Chin  you gawked at the agent that had just left the elevator along with his partners. You wish you had more interaction with the much smaller agent. You watched noticing how tall Smith was in comparison to him. He definitely gave an air of authority, you glanced over at Jones to see not only did he dwarf you in height but even in peer size, what a scary man. Back at Brown you had realized he was about your height accept perhaps an inch taller. You kept your eyes pinned on him as the trio strided through the office space, parting ways at the end with smith and Jones heading back to their offices, Brown on the other hand paused mid reach at his door handle before turning his head into your direction. It startled you and caused you to jump in your skin as you quickly rushed to pretend you were working all this time. He caught you staring at him, how embarrassing. Your fingers typed frantically on the keyboard, the sounds of keys is all you could hear when a voice from behind startles you.
"Ms/Mr. (Y/LN)" Came the sweet soft tone of Brown's voice.
You tensed up and turned around in your wheelie chair to face your boss. How did he get here so fast? If this was Jones his thundering footsteps would of been heard.
"We have much to discuss. Follow me." Brown ordered in that voice that makes you melt, you could about listen to him tell you anything but there was slight nervousness in your steps as you followed behind him without question. What if your little crush on him was known and this was him firing you? That sinking feeling in your gut stayed as Brown lead you to his office and opened the door for you. Plopping into the chair with hands in lap you waited for Brown as he walked calmly over to a cabinet file. Another thing you noticed of the trio was that Brown did most of the paper work and the other two was more into going out and doing field work.
Pulling out a file Brown sat stiffly in his chair as he sets the file down facing towards you. You leaned forward to read that it has your name on it in very nice handwriting.
"Is there a reason you stare?" Came the first question This was not what you expected as you were not sure how to respond, but you did open the file to see that there was pictures of the times you looked at him.. how?! Did he know everytime you did it? You looked back up to see that he was patiently awaiting an answer.
"..I. you see. Um. I just like how you dress." Was your poor excuse of a lie. Agent Brown stayed silent for a moment as he pulls out a notepad and wrote something down.
"Lying will not do nothing but hinder my inquiry. I had wrote down a list of reason to why you stare mostly at me." Hearing all this you felt this became a quiz of some sort. But there was something else in his voice when he spoke, not the usual monotone like all agents speak but there was curiosity in it.
"Do you notice something different about me in particular?" Brown asks thinking perhaps this blue pill was beginning to see through the facade of the Matrix. But the answer he retrieves was not at all what he planned.
"Well where to begin." You spoke dreamily looking out his small window in his office.
"That sweetness in your voice, that upturned nose, and dont get me started on how youthful you are. Do you use some sort of lotion cause your face is perfect." You might of went to far but in all honesty it seems he knew everything so who cares anymore. Maybe if your fired you could ask him out.
Brown during the whole time was writing everything you said in his notepad, he was fascinated by your response.
"In conclusion you have a interest in my physical appearance? How, Interesting." Brown pondered hard on what to do with this new revelation, he loved gaining new information and this intrigued him. How odd this human was.
This was not expected. But you should of know the agent with the drive for knowledge would want to learn more. Maybe this was his way of being into someone?
"Tell me exactly how this started? Is this perhaps an act of affection? Are you trying to mate with me?" Browns questions got more and more blunt and you weren't sure you wanted to answer them all. You felt as though he had no idea what you truly felt as he was taking this like a school project. You wanted him to take your feelings seriously. Reaching out you grabbed his tie and pulled him closer to you which forced him to stop writing.
"I can give you a demonstration~" you  purred into his ear.
"..a demonstration? Would, you rather explain in detail." You almost sighed seeing as he was not getting it, he was clueless in this area.
You moved your face to his and gave him a once look over. He has such a cute face. You stared back into those shades to see your own reflection as you then gave the confused agent a kiss. You felt him tense up but what he did suprised you as he didn't pull away but tried to mimic your actions. Smiling against the kiss your hands cupped his cheeks as one of them moved up and removed his sunglasses. Hazel blues now stared wide eyed back at yours. Then suddenly he pushed you away, hurt you looked at him asking silently why? When you saw that he was shaking, his hands scrambled for his shades and quickly put them back in place. A hand at his mouth as if he's never been kissed before. If only you knew he didn't even know what a kiss was.
"You. You are excused. Further questioning will be saved till a later date." He tried to sound professional but inside was turmoil. You could tell he was trying to remain agent like. He got up and took the folder back to the cabinet and not wanting to leave yet you also stood up and went over to him, you wanted to apologize but as you reached to place a hand on his shoulder he flinched and you retracted your hand instantly.
"..Good day Ms/Mr. (Y/LN)." He says as went to his computer acting as though nothing happened but you knew better and left his office. You sighed heavily to yourself. Next time you will do better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2021 ⏰

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