The first three

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Which Agent to choose?

You have the rare opportunity to choose one out of these three agents to love. Only one. Choose wisely.

All Three agents wear immaculate black suits, matching ties, silver tie clip, white undershirt, black shades that hides the color of their eyes and in their right ear a earpiece with a cord that vanishes into their collar.

However they differ from their appearance and personalities. Now it's time to show you their individuality and for you to make a decision.

Agent Brown: Youngest and very noticeably shorter then the other agents, Orangish, light brown hair. Athletic build with a youthful appearance, slightly upturned nose, sensual lips that were enticing for a kiss and a Soft spoken voice that's charming. Light brown doe-eyed. Like the other agents he is a workaholic however he seems to do his best when it comes to computer or paper work. Personality: Calm with a child's like curiosity, observant and by the book.

Agent Jones: Second in both age and tallest height of the trio of agents, Dark brown hair, Masculine, chiseled face with a strong jawline, aquiline nose, broad shoulders and a flat, low voice. Dark brown deep set eyes. One of the strongest agents and one of the quietest. Personality: bored most of the time, clumsy, uses excessive force and can get angry if pushed will act with violence, otherwise generally calm.

Agent Smith: Oldest and tallest of the agents, Dark brown hair, lean and toned body type, thin and pointed nose, deep attractive voice, flawless skin. Icy blue eyes. The best agent at his job and the leader of the other two. Has a keen sense of smell and rather has a thing for it. He will show his disgust if he does not particularly like the smell. Cleanliness is important to him as well. Shows the most personality out of all the agents. Personality: Confident, has a temper and will usually express on it, sarcastic, thick skinned, tidy, humorous, determined and efficient.

{This is a description for the three agents in the first Matrix film. Well my version of them anyway. This little introduction to them is for you to choose who are interested in and to give me some input on who to do first and so on. Maybe even give me some ideas on what you would like to see. Anywho if their is any Matrix fans still here or people who are just curious of this story I hope you enjoy or to not to!}

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