Jones X Reader

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Agents was a rebels worst nightmare. They were fast, deadly and unkillable. They couldn't be stopped, only avoided. Everyone feared and or hated all agents. Though there was some with a worse record then others their was one that brought fear into your heart. Agent Jones. Sure he didnt have the highest record of deaths as his command unit Agent Smith but he was second on that list. What really gets to you was the size and brute strength he had. No rebel has ever survived once they make contact with Jones. As a combat unit he was a mindless brute that doesn't even know the word gentle. The idea or him accidently breaking your bones simply cause he pulled or grabbed you. The thoughts unsettle you but a sound snapped you back into reality, the sound of voices. It should be your crew so you can head back to the real world but the sight was more haunting then you could ever imagine.
The sound you heard was the repeated sound of Agent Jones smashing the head in of your fallen team mate, their blood splattered on his suit and white undershirt. Agent Smith stood in the middle, his hands behind his back as there wasnt a single once of blood on him as the room was bloodied up with the remains of your crew. They barely even looked human anymore, just piles of flesh and bones. You wanted to throw up as Smith smirked.
"You didnt finish them all. Get them." Smith instructed calmly as he didnt like getting his suit bloodied up. Jones dropped the body as he stood up. He brutally murdered them all, the blood was on him. Now Smith was ordering him like a savage dog on you. Having him do the dirty work. And Jones obeyed without thinking. Without any thought of his own.
"Your supposed to run." Smith spoke up as he turned around as if you weren't worth his time. Sending his lackey to kill you off like an insect that was beneath him to squish. Hearing his words kicked in and you began to run down the long hallway of the apartment complex.
At the end you can make out another dark silihoute of an agent, quickly thinking you ran for a door, using your shoulders you forced open the door and entered inside. Your heart drops seeing that you were in a small little broom closet. There was no time to find another hiding spot when footsteps approached the door. The shadow of them from below was seen, you waited for them to open the door hoping to rush them and catch them off guard.
A hand suddenly bursts through the wooden door grabbing for your neck, a strangled surprised cry escapes you as Jones breaks his way inside. The door splintering up into pieces as his hand firmly tightens your neck, his body moving inside the small space and was soon made apparent how big he was. He barely fit in the closet with you, he took up the entire room, his body pressed against you. Your hands went to your neck to scratch his hand off, as you couldn't make a sound. Though you knew that Jones doesnt speak or listen to humans. This was the end.
Agent Jones then let out a low deep grunt as he softens his hold on your neck. You rasped in quick breaths trying to get some air as your mind swirls with curiosity. Jones never had mercy before? What was different about this?-
Now able to think rationally you felt the very reason why. How uncomfortablely close you two were. Your body pressed into his and in some.. personal places. His groin pressed into yours. You focused Jones face to see what he was thinking to only be met with that usual expressionless face and those eerie shades. Regardless if he appeared normal, you weren't dead. And Jones never kept anyone alive once he caught them. You stayed still relishing in this miracle as the two staid in silence for a little while. Your back began to ache being pressed into the wall but you didnt dare speak up. Words never phased Jones. Actions did. After a little bit you decide to push your luck seeing as he hasnt moved sense. Maybe he was turned off? Like a robot? You didnt know or cared as you slowly began to try to squirm your way out of his grasp. Your hip brushing his groin and this stirred Jones up again as his hand flexed as a warning, telling you silently that if you moved again he would snap your neck. Jones brows furrowed in what looks like slight confusion. You watched fascinated by this. When Jones looked down you followed where his sunglasses looked when your eyes landed on what caused him to be perplexed. There was a tent in his slacks.. you got an agent hard.. that's a first.
The fear of Jones have melted away and replaced with interest. Especially when Jones was one of the most blank ones out there. Who didn't feel emotions or even know about them.
Jones then pressed further into you, leaving no inch between your bodies and pushing you further up the wall, your hands went to his broad shoulders as you felt the tent nestle between your legs. Well that answered your question. He was as large there as he was everywhere. Infact the more you felt it the more concerned you were. He was massive.
You were not going to die fearing him though. You wanted to see him. One of your hands then quickly grabbed his shades. A pair of light blues were revealed and you saw for a split second the surprise in them. You saw an individual in him. He was his own agent. You gazed into them as he stared back at you. Both unmoving and not saying a word. Though you knew Jones never spoke. Well to humans that is. He saw them as someone beneath him not worth his time talking to. He killed not out or hatred but because he was ordered to. He has no enjoyment in it. He was just the muscle.
"So. Agent Jones is it? What happens next?" There was not a single trace of fear in your voice and it only confused the agent more. Especially when a human has never called him by name before. They always scream, beg, curse or cry. Sometimes using insults. Hearing his name sparked something within him. Leaning closer, Jones hand removed from your neck and had both hands hold you up by the thighs.
"I'll be gentle." His voice deep and mechanical. Then he whispers your name. Telling you not to be afraid of him.
He wasn't going to kill you. He was quite fond of you.

{The other agents are definitely less loved then our dearly beloved main boi Smith. I hope to spread some light on the others and show that they too have something of interest. Jones is my favorite. And I hope that someone else out there also enjoys him. Or someone now does C; lol. Anywho enjoy or to not to!}

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