Smith X Reader

650 13 17

 [Warning: Gore and mature themes]

The late evening air breezed past a bone chilling wind that caused you to momentarily stop and tug harder on your thin jacket. The coolness of the wind was unexpected and you were paying the consequences of working late shifts at the office. However you blamed your boss for this one. He had personally came by to give you an unfair amount of paperwork, Almost as unexpected as this breeze. You shiver as you carried on towards your home, your thoughts helped with the cold as you ponder more on your bosses actions. He has been acting strange. More then usual. You always thought of him as the normal one of the other government agents he hanged around with but recently he has been seen around. Usually he was in his office or out doing who knows what but you have taken notice that he was around just in general. In the corner of your eye you would see those shades aimed at you. Something was off and you felt like prey under his gaze. A terrible gut feeling swelled up inside you as you turned into an alley way to head home quicker. Wanting nothing more to be inside the safety and warmth that your home provided. 
Now quiet both in sound and mind, you immediately take notice of a sound from behind you. The sound of shoe steps. You pause to see if it was your imagination getting the best of you. But your heart drops as they continued. You were already freaked out and this made it worse. I guess watching horror movies have prepared you for this. You quickly turn around to see a dark figure who now stopped in their tracks. squinting you focused on them, the street lamp ahead shining on the smooth surface of their sunglasses.. 
"Walking alone at night is not a smart choice. Especially after binge watching the entire series of nightmare on elm street. Ms." Came the all familiar cocky voice of your boss Agent Smith. 

"I would of thought you would be smarter then that." You can almost hear the smirk in his slow speech. 
Wait. How does he know what you watched last night? You didn't tell anyone that. 
Fear begun to creep in, has he been stalking you? 
"I suppose you came to walk a lady home then?" You tried to joke but it fell on dead silence making the atmosphere thick with uneasiness. 
Stepping into the light agent smiths smirk came across as a more sinister one as he reaches a hand into his suit jacket. 
"Ms. Your little fascination with me had come as a bit unprofessional." He spoke seriously for a moment as you curse under your breath. So he has found out you had a little crush on him. Was that why he has been acting so weird around you? Was he returning the affection? Were you Fired? Agent Smith then begun to move forward and this time you staid still, frozen with fear. 

"However. It is not entirely unwanted." You almost felt relived that this was his intentions and nothing more-
Your eyes widen in complete shock and dread as he pulls out a gun from his jacket. 
"Now. Lets have some fun shall we?" 
You just stared in complete and utter horror, your legs shaking as he raises the gun. 
"This is the part you start running Ms. And if I catch you, I get to have it my way~"

You almost didn't believe this was happening until a bullet whizzed right past your ear. The deafening sound of his gun going off alerts your senses back as your scrambled to run. 
Smith watched in amusement of his new plaything running for it's worthless life. Now this turned him on. Nothing more thrilling then the hunt. 

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