Meet Hyuna the Rebel

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"So, how did you find me?" Soyeon asked as she picked another piece of the beef in front of her. Yuqi shrugs as she puts her chopsticks down "It was a hunch. Miyeon eonni said you might be all over your head with the project and there's only one place you go to in-school whenever you're thinking about music" The two began to fall into an easy conversation while exchanging a few banters here and there

It was only until the two girls got a call that they realized school was already over "I can't believe we missed 2 periods" Yuqi was no staring into an empty space, her head filled with thoughts of how she let the girl in front of her charm her into missing her classes

"Trying to be bad now, are we?" Soyeon smirked as the girl shoved her away playfully

Lucas: Hey Yuqi, are you done with your class? I'll wait for you at the parking lot

Yuqi stared at the message, face-palming. She completely forgot about the hangout with Lucas and his friends. Gathering her things she hugged Soyeon before explaining about the hangout and rushing out of the room.

After Yuqi left the room, all of the good feelings that Soyeon accumulated due to hanging out with the epitome of sunshine immediately washed down the drain. Yuqi was going out with Lucas... again.

'Are they officially dating?' Yuqi hadn't mentioned the guy to her or what she did yesterday. She may not say it out loud but she hated the fact that Yuqi hid things from her. She had to learn from Shuhua about this Lucas or Yukhei guy aside from the fact that he had been pursuing the puppy girl since her freshman year

Fishing her phone from her pocket, she dialed one phone number that she knew wouldn't fail to show up "Eonni, I'll go ahead, see you there"

When she got to the parking lot, the space where Lucas parks his car was now empty. Tears began to pool into her eyes, refusing to be shed. It was her fault anyway. She's a mess 'Yuqi doesn't deserve being with a mess like me'

And so, she sped off

[sad happy - circa waves]

Soyeon found herself on the chair she's spent the last month in. Taking in the familiar interior, she took shot after shot, trying to numb her body and forget what she saw, to forget feeling for a good moment.

"Yah Soyeon-ah calm down, Minnie isn't even here yet and you look like you're ready to drop"

"Go out with me eonni"

"Are you crazy? Must be that bad this time huh?" The bartender chuckled as she wipes a glass. It was still early for the bar to become crowded but here's her favorite customer and little sister, drinking as if there's no tomorrow "I'm sorry, that was weird, I'm just... frustrated with myself"

Another shot downed. Hyuna moved to pour another and assured the girl, she was used to Soyeon's antics whenever the girl was upset, She got to know the young girl, even more, when she started spending her time at the bar whenever she's not in the mood for the studio. The older girl was about to say something when the bell on the door rang, signaling a customer and there's only one person that they expected to come early, Kim Minnie

But apparently today, Miyeon decided to join too after her mother canceled her appearance at the party and opted to fly to Paris for some reasons Miyeon doesn't bother to know. "A bit too early to get wasted isn't it?" Soyeon only narrowed her eyes at the elder "I'm not drunk yet" she defended

Minnie took a seat beside Soyeon, followed by Miyeon "What will you kids have?"

"The usual, Miyeon's not drinking tonight, she's the driver"

"So what's the reason for tonight?" Soyeon slammed the shot glass down, earning a dirty glare from the woman behind the counter "Jeon Soyeon, watch it. That's expensive" the mentioned girl withered under the glare and muttered a quiet sorry before letting out a loud sigh

"The usual, me not being enough and being frustrated" Miyeon raised an eyebrow and silently took a sip of her cherry soda. She might be not as present as the others due to her being a senior but she's seen enough proof of how things are between YuYeon (a ship name she's come up with)

She noticed the way Yuqi would silently check up on the older girl and would take care of the frustrating blonde genius in her own little ways. She might not say that she loves Soyeon out loud, but her actions speak loud and clear for everyone to see. Miyeon knows how Soyeon would go soft whenever she's talking to Yuqi or how her ears perk up whenever the younger girl's name is mentioned.

They don't say it out loud but their actions speak loud enough for them. They just can't hear each other yet.

"For you or for Yuqi?" At the mention of her name, Soyeon lowered her head after downing another shot. This coping mechanism she has developed was now becoming awfully unhealthy and she knows that well, she just hasn't found the courage to find another one "She's happy with Lucas, I saw her smile when he texted. I don't understand, it's nothing like with those other girls from before, this time, it actually... It hurts, so much" she whispered the last part

Everyone got quiet. Minnie kicked back the contents of her glass before asking for another "Woes of young love" Hyuna grabbed a bottle of alcohol and left the bar, only to sit beside Miyeon on a table in front of the bar stools "You" she pointed at Soyeon "You're too young to waste your life like this, you're too young to be drowning in this shit and breaking expensive glasses" she motioned at the bottle at the table, eliciting a laugh from the girls. 

Hyuna wasn't the best role model exactly but she was there since the girls first came to the school, she had been the only one to take them under her wing and teach them how to navigate their way into the new confusing environment. She herself was a rebel back then (she feels the closest to Soyeon, seeing herself in the girl when she got to know the young one), and letting the girls drink on a school night wasn't the ideal either (being an adult) but she knew they deserve a one night break from the exhausting reality that's called life.

"I remember when Dawn and I broke up for the first time"

"You guys broke up?" the Thai girl interrupted "We did, I initiated the break up" Miyeon gasped beside her "But you guys were such a power couple back when I was a freshman"

"When you put it that way, I feel old Miyeon"

"But you are getting old" 

"Yah that's strike one for you Cho Miyeon"

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