A Whisper from The Heart -Jeon Soyeon

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"I'm bored, should we do something?" All heads turned towards the maknae who locked eyes with her "girlfriend" "Sure, let's keep quiet" Soojin then turned her focus back again to her phone, ignoring the whining of her baby-like secret crush. YES, Seo Soojin is whipped for the one and only Yeh Shuhua, but she also wouldn't admit it out loud. Not when she hasn't gathered enough courage to ask the Taiwanese girl out.

"You're mean"

"You're annoying" The short-haired girl shot back

The girls were currently lounging around Minnie's living room. The rich girl having the biggest apartment out of everyone.

"Fine, I'll ask Miyeon eonni instead" Shuhua turned to the other side and flashed her infamous puppy eyes that the oldest girl could never resist. Miyeon admits that the two maknaes were one of her weaknesses. Not because they're her dongsaeng, but because of the lethal amount of aegyo that the two possesses. Out of the two young girls, Shuhua would use her aegyo quite often, especially when it comes to Soojin which leaves the older girl's poor heart beating like crazy. Unlike Shuhua, Yuqi was more reserved due to the fact that she hated doing forced aegyo. She believes that her aegyo should come naturally since she's already naturally cute.

"Should we head to that new roller skating rink that just opened?" That earned a lot of curious looks from the girls "How come I've never heard of it?" The Thai girl frowned, trying to think of the place. Usually, she would be the one to suggest the current hottest spots around their locality, the fact that she wasn't aware of the newly opened place left her bothered but soon smirked seeing as how her traits were rubbing off against her girlfriend.

"Should we go tomorrow after classes?" The oldest suggested

Shuhua jumped up and down looking like an excited puppy while remaining attached to Miyeon's arm. "Don't you have hagwon, Shushu?" Almost immediately, the happy smile from Shuhua's lips dropped into a frown as her brain processes her own girlfriend's words

"Whatever, It's just one session" she quickly dismisses

"Watch her skip another one" Yuqi snickers before going back to fiddling with her phone. She was currently catching up with her other friends, Yeoreum and Exy when suddenly a call came through. It was Lucas.

"Your boyfriend is calling" The maknae teased, successfully earning her a sharp glare from the subject of her teasing and an even sharper one from the blonde girl who kept silent, preferring to stay in the doorway near the kitchen "He's not my boyfriend" 

"Yet" Shuhua continued, a smirk plastered as she watched Yuqi glare at her before leaving

When she was out of earshot, the girls moved closer and fell into a hush discussion "they've been talking for a week now, do you think he's going to ask the giraffe out?" It was a discussion that Soyeon wanted to avoid. If she could keep the topic out of her friends' mouths forever, she would but that wasn't the case. "He's been chasing Yuqi since last year apparently, I heard it from someone in my class"

"How did they even meet? She never even told us about that guy before" It was a rare occurrence for Soojin to become this invested in her friend's life in the romantic aspect. She's always been the supportive and unquestioning kind as long as they weren't doing anything bad, if they were, she'd be the first one to call it out. "Yah I told you about him. He's the guy that caused Yuqi to be late the very first time"

"Shu you're too loud" Shuhua let out an exasperated huff and crossed her arms over her chest. Her cheeks were puffed, a pout gracing her lips, Soojin's hands flew to the girl's cheeks and squeezed while cooing "You're too cute" No matter how many times she has experienced Soojin's random affectionate outbursts, she could never get used to the older girl's actions and would almost, always end up a blushing mess like how she is now.

"Anyways, as I was gonna say-" Minnie got cut off by Yuqi who rushed back to the living room, "Sorry, I have to go, see you guys tomorrow" with her bag in hand, she bid goodbye to her friends, eyes lingering a little longer on the short girl who muttered a quiet "bye" before fully entering the kitchen

'They're definitely going out' 

Her grip on the glass tightened as she tried her best to keep tears at bay. Why would she cry about this? She hasn't exactly expressed her amorous feelings towards her friend. And Yuqi was her own person. She's allowed to go out and make relationships with whoever she chooses. She knew she'd lose Yuqi, it was only a matter of time. After all, Lucas has been very patient and consistent. It's just deep inside, there was a tiny glimmer of hope holding out, hoping that Yuqi would reject her current suitor and choose Jeon Soyeon instead.

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