I, Jeon Soyeon

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Pissed. That’s one way to put it. Yeh Shuhua was angry. She just found out that Seo Soojin, her girlfriend, the girl whom she followed around and gave all her time to, was gone. Just like that. Taking out her phone, she learned that the girl had also blocked her on social media, as well as her phone number. “I don’t understand, I thought we were okay?”

The girls were just as lost. Soyeon, Minnie, and Miyeon share a look of confusion as they watch their youngest blow on a tissue. Yuqi could only rub the girl’s back, it was the only comfort she could offer. Soojin, although she was not as transparent as the young girl when it came to affection, the group knew that she had loved Shuhua just as much, so how exactly did it come to this?

“Sometimes, people do things that don't make any sense but it doesn’t mean that there’s no reason for it. I guess, Soojin isn’t ready to tell us what it is yet,” Miyeon tried to console the maknae, only to be met with a pair of angry eyes, “You’re one to talk, you helped her go away” while she wanted to defend her actions, the girl was still in a vulnerable state and being defensive now could only make things worse than they already are so, she stepped away from the girl and let her girlfriend handle the situation.

Minnie took that as her cue and gave Shuhua the biggest, and most loving hug she could muster. She hated seeing the girl like this, but she couldn’t also become angry towards the source of her pain. Dancing was Soojin’s dream. Ever since she was a child, it was all she could ever talk and do. But she never expected her to cut the girl she loves, completely off of her life. Minnie was happy that Soojin could finally live her dream, but the question still weighed in her mind, why cut off their communication without ending things properly?

“You’re tough, Yeh Shuhua, you’ll get through this” Shuhua didn’t feel tough at the moment. In fact, she felt like a used rug, her heart stomped until it was flat, deformed, and dirty. She wanted to turn into a puddle right then. It hurt too much and she wasn’t sure her heart could take it. “Can’t I just slip into a coma and wake up when everything’s okay?” she knew just how pitiful she was, just from the girls who looked at her. She would’ve said something snarky and channel that Taiwanese gangster energy but she had none left. She used it all up hurting and crying, waiting for a girl who ran over her heart with a truck and set it on fire.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks eventually turned into months. Shuhua remained inconsolable. Whenever someone mentions the dancer’s name, tears would well up and before she could wipe it away, more would come. As for Soojin, she gave one update and sent it to the oldest in the friend group. She apologized to everyone, most especially, the girl that she left brokenhearted, she never sent any more texts after letting them know she arrived safely and has settled in within her new environment, it was evident with the pictures and stories she would upload. She was happy, Yeh Shuhua was not.
"Will that happen to us?" Soyeon's head whipped so fast, she could've sworn she pinched a nerve.

"Not in a million years. I won't let the same thing happen, I know that we don't see each other as much but I'm only a couple of hours away, besides, there's this magical little thing called a phone, have you ever heard of it?" The short girl tried to dodge the swat that was coming her way but was unsuccessful.

"You don't have to be sarcastic everytime" Yuqi rolled her eyes but had a small smile on her face. She truly was worried for their own future. She has faith in her girlfriend and although she  knows that Soyeon and Soojin are two different people yet, she couldn't help but worry. After all, you never truly know someone's mind even if you lie down next to them every night. The puppy girl was taken out of her musings when the other girl held out a pinky finger towards her face.

"I, Jeon Soyeon swear to never let the same thing happen to us"

Yuqi smiled and reciprocated the gesture, ultimately sealing the deal with a sweet kiss.

"Now come on, let's get out of the cold, my hands are freezing" Soyeon tugged at the young girl's hand all while rambling about finding a place to get tteokbokki that late in the night.

"Your face will turn into tteokbokki at this rate"


"You're just jealous that I love this sticky rice more than you, projecting doesn't look good on you babe" Yuqi huffed "I don't honestly know how I'm still in a relationship with you, you probably went to one of those shamans and asked for a love ritual" it was Soyeon's turn to roll her eyes.

"Please, I'm Jeon Soyeon, I don't need to use any charms, mine comes built-in"  While the atmosphere was fairly light compared to the whole ordeal with their friends, the thought of losing out on these kind of memories to distance plagued Yuqi's mind but she had to be stronger. This was all for their future and they're both smart enough to have the mind to fulfill their own dreams before dreaming up a life together.

But they could just do both, right?  "Who do I have to battle so I'll be the only one you think of?" By now, Soyeon was huffing, feeling only slightly off as her girlfriend, although looking adorable, kept going back into her own world. "I'm worried about Shuhua, it's been months, you think she would've somewhat snapped out of it?" As much as the girls have done everything to make sure the young one remained functioning, they could only do so much. It was still up to Yeh Shuhua to help herself out of the pit she buried herself further into.

"She'll get through this, she'll eventually go out when she finally feels like it. Besides, she has you mothering her constantly if you wait long enough, she'll get sick of your nagging and come out of her hole just to make you shut up"

"You're just so talkative today, aren't you?" A soft smile replaced the older girl's teasing grin. "I'm serious, with a friend like you, she'll get better and stronger, just hang in there, you're already doing a good job."

"You always know how to make me feel better,"

"What other purpose do I have if I can't make the girl I love feel better?"

"I love you too, Jeon Soyeon"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2023 ⏰

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