Just Like A Cup Of Iced Americano

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我在这, 我有你的背, 永远不会忘记.

나는 당신을 위해 여기에 있습니다.

I am, and will always be here for you. Never forget that.


A box of chocolates, teddy bears, a pillow, a blanket, another hoodie, a box of perfume? Matching phone case? A memento box? Perhaps, a ring?

Song Yuqi has yet again, found herself in another dilemma, months have passed since she learned that her first-ever girlfriend was going to college in another city, far from her. Soyeon has tried her best to console the pouty Yuqi, even going as far as promising to visit her every weekend. A compromise they have both agreed on. While it was admittedly a bit taxing and would definitely take a hit on the older's pocket money, it was all worth it to see her adorable girlfriend smile again.

And so, the two made a bucket list on the top of the hill one day, marking it off one by one as they finished everything they have written down on the list, and now there were just two things left. And Jeon Soyeon was off to college, and Song Yuqi will be left alone, a thought that none of them found particularly pleasing. But as much as they would like to stay with each other, they both knew that their futures were much more important. They both knew better than to build their futures around one another.

And so, the ever so sentimental Chinese decided to buy a parting gift for her lover, but the thing is, what was it?

"Are you going to pick or should I do it for you?"

Yeh Shuhua was not thrilled. First of all, it was a Saturday, second, she wasn't in the mood to do anything at all. Not after she and her own JinJin had a heart-to-heart talk about college themselves. The maknae understands the Han girl's feelings, however, she really wasn't in the right mood to do anything because Soojin was going away too. And she might be potentially breaking up with the girl too. fun.

"Let me think about it okay? This is very important" The puppy girl began to look around, determined to find the perfect gift for her unnie. She has looked at blankets, hoodies, and even phone cases shaped like a pack of fries but nothing has passed the criteria she had made inside her head. She began to head towards a stall of trinkets, away from an exhausted Shuhua who had decided to wait on the bench, just absentmindedly staring at her phone, waiting for a text that wasn't coming.

She really wasn't sure what had transcended upon the couple's relationship, if you would ask her, she thought that the two were perfect, or at least close to what perfect looked like. Soojin was always cooking for Shuhua and taking care of the girl, she was sure that the unnie loved the maknae to pieces, her eyes never lied. The maknae in turn showed her love by protecting her unnie in every turn and it only magnified when they became a couple. By the end of the month, since they got together, nobody dared to mess with the dancer unnie because of the scary maknae.

Compared to the short leader, Soojin was going farther, having been invited to a dancing school outside of the country. It was an opportunity that was too good to pass up. But distance shouldn't matter as long as they loved each other right?

Before she got caught up in her thoughts, a pair of red bracelets caught Yuqi's eyes. It was what she was looking for. Her perfect gift. Fishing money from her pockets, the girl ran over to the stall and took no time purchasing the jewelry. This was it. It couldn't get any more perfect than this.

When Yuqi came back, she was met with the sight of the second eldest unnie standing in front of Shuhua who had her head buried in her hands. Minnie laid a hand on her shoulder and looked around, most likely looking for her before their eyes met. Something was clearly wrong.

"Unnie, what are you doing here?" but the girl only gave her a tight-lipped smile before motioning for her to come with her. Minnie made sure the girl was out of earshot before slouching. Her face aged with stress must be college.

Must be college. Yuqi thought that was better than what the older girl just told her. "Soojin just left the country, I found out that she asked Miyeon to drive her and never told anyone. Soojin made her swore not to tell anyone" This day was stressing the Chinese girl out. First, it was sweet, turned bittersweet, and now, it was just plain bitter. It was like Americano became a day and decided to fuck with their lives. "I'll deal with my own girlfriend's betrayal, you should stay with Shuhua in the meantime, she's stubborn but everyone needs a friend at their lowest." With that, the Thai national walked away.

"Hey" it was painfully silent and awkward after that. Truthfully, Yuqi wasn't good at consoling people. One time, she made a classmate cry even harder during elementary school when she told her classmate a joke about bumping your head makes you look like an egg during middle school after her classmate had fallen from the swing after flying so high. She was, however, good at making people laugh but she knew that wasn't what the girl needed right now. 'She must be in a lot of pain' and so she sat there, right beside the maknae, a hand on her shoulder to let her know that she's not alone.

"I don't really know how to comfort people, I'm not good at it, but I'm here. And you know I have your back no matter what because, as much as you annoy me, and make fun of me at every opportunity that life throws in your face, you're the sister that I never had. So, just cry it all out Yeh Shuhua"

Today was indeed just like a cup of iced Americano.

A/N: Because sometimes, we all just need comfort from someone. 

Got out of academic clutches, finally

but my mental health took a hit, haha what's good.

Anw, I hope you guys are well, and I know we're strangers, but my dm's  (is that what it's called?)

are always open for you.

Stay safe


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