You're The Closest Thing to Home

706 39 10

//tw// mentions of assault


"Hey no fair, let me try it again" Yuqi pouted as she fails to beat the older girl's score, five hours have already passed and it was already dark outside "Come on, woogi-yah you can beat me next time, let's get dinner" the girl remained pouting and reluctantly let go of the fake gun before setting it back in its place and following Soyeon out of the arcade.

Minnie contacted the girls earlier saying that she went and shopped for a little bit before deeming the bustling place as boring and headed off home. The two girls fell in step by step, side by side. The air was cold making Soyeon clutch her jacket tighter. She looked beside her, her ears tuning out whatever Yuqi was saying either way she was too busy admiring the tall, cute girl beside her.

"Are you going to the prom?" Soyeon shrugged, her lips curved downwards at the thought. She was going to ask Yuqi prior to her getting a boyfriend but looks like that plan's going to the trash bin now "I'd rather stay in my room and eat takeout" the younger girl was about to protest but held herself back. Minnie was going with Miyeon and Soojin with Shuhua for sure, Soyeon would be left alone.

Truth be told, Yuqi wanted to go with the girl, she craved her company but Lucas was her boyfriend, it's imperative that she goes with him right?

They've been together for a couple of weeks now, the longest relationship (and first) the han girl has ever been in. She's had a lot of doubts and has tried to seek answers but didn't know where and how to find them. Sure, the guy is great and nice but for Yuqi, something still feels off, incomplete rather.

She doesn't know why she's not as involved as she should be. Deep down, that made her feel guilty. Doyoung had approached her earlier and gave her a talk about her feelings which didn't help much but it was great opening up to someone.



"Doyoung-oppa? Is there something wrong?" Yuqi smiled softly at the older guy who ran up to her panting "I'm sorry are you busy?" the girl shook her head as a sign of 'no' and Doyoung smiled before offering to buy ice cream which Yuqi gladly accepted.

"How are things with Lucas?" their bubble of silence was broken by Doyoung's question. Yuqi didn't know how to answer except for the usual "We're okay" or "We're doing good" because it wasn't a lie but it was not the whole truth either

After all, would you open up to your boyfriend's best friend that you're starting to have doubts about your relationship? Or that you thought you should move on from a certain someone who you think you don't have any chance with so you decided to give someone else a try?

"That's good" he spoke up again after a moment of silence ensued. "But I feel like there's something you're not telling me"

"Normally I'd scare the shit out of girls who go out with Lulu, don't get me wrong, there's just too many opportunistic girls that seduce him for the benefits but I know you're different" he continued "Be honest with me Yuqi-yah, I promise this is just between you and me"

It was the first time the guy had called her something so casual, does this mean the ice around them is melting?

"Do you love Lucas?" Yuqi froze, of course, she loves Lucas, there was no doubt about that. The problem she's struggling with was to what extent? Did she really love Lucas like that or was she just strung along?

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