Promise (약속)

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"A GUTTER BALL? REALLY?" A boy groaned in frustration which earned a few chuckles from his group of friends "你不擅长打保龄球" (You are not good at bowling)

"你好烂" (You suck) he grumbled

They were currently in a heated battle of bowling where the loser would pay for the drinks. Yuqi and Lucas' team were already leading by a lot since the other team decided to mess around instead "Bet that I can hit a strike with my eyes closed" Lucas was close enough that Yuqi could feel his breath on her ear

A grin spread across the girl's face, she loved a good challenge. She would always compete with Shuhua when they're playing battlegrounds during the weekends which usually ends with them fighting but making up within a few minutes "You're on"

With that, Lucas closed his eyes and rolled the ball. "I WON" Yuqi danced and teased Lucas who was happy seeing Yuqi having fun 'She's so cute'

However, their fun was cut short when Miyeon called her on the phone explaining about a drunk Soyeon who refuses to move unless she sees the younger girl. Hearing the state of her favorite person, she immediately grabbed her bag and apologized to the group for cutting the hangout short

"Don't worry about it, do you want me to drive you there?"

"If it's not a problem..."

"It's not. Let's go"

A few minutes later and Lucas had dropped Yuqi off in front of a bar, bustling with people. The boy had offered to go with her inside the bar but the girl simply waved him off and waited until he drove away before making her way inside. This wasn't the first time she had been inside the bar.

And it definitely wasn't the first time that the now drunk girl had refused to leave and asked for her. She reached the bar where Hyuna pointed at a figure hunched over, unmoving. "Thank god you're already here, these two are difficult to handle when they're drunk" Miyeon came over with a drunk Minnie clinging on to her waist murmuring incoherent words

"Sorry for calling you out of the blue" Yuqi shook her head and approached the blonde mess "It's okay eonni, I'll get Soyeon eonni"

"Woogi-yah you're here" The older girl clung on to her waist, her head placed above Yuqi's shoulder "I missed you, what took you so long?" It took a couple of minutes for her to comprehend what the drunk girl had just said

"Sorry yeonnie, I was out with some friends at the alley" A pair of hands gently caressed her face and lifted the corners of her mouth "Don't frown Woogi-yah, I don't like it when you're sad"

Yuqi stumbled in the dark through Soyeon's messy apartment as she struggled to carry Soyeon and two bags. "Yeonnie, we're almost there" a few more steps and they finally reached Soyeon's bedroom.

The whole place was a mess. The living room too but her bedroom was on another level. Discarded clothes littered the floor, there were a couple of crumpled papers that looked like drafts of lyrics. She spotted a couple of beer cans on the corner and her trash bin was overflowing with candy wrappers, papers, and more beer cans.

"This isn't healthy Soyeon" Yuqi got up to grab a wet towel from the toilet and proceeded to wipe the drunk girl's body, she took off her makeup and changed Soyeon out of her filthy clothes and into a pair of pajamas

It was already a little over 2 AM when she finished tucking Soyeon under the duvet that she realized how tired she got but Yuqi wasn't about to rest, not without tidying the place up a bit.

She began gathering all of the clothes on the floor and placed them in the laundry basket. All of the beer cans were now in plastic, ready to be thrown out when the day breaks. The desk was now rid of any dirt and scraps. She then moved on to clean the living room area.

Soyeon woke up in her bed, she noticed that she was already in her pajamas but when she got up, she freaked out at the cleanliness of her room. 'Am I in someone else's house?'

Walking over to her now spotless desk, she grabbed her phone only to see that it was already 1 in the afternoon and that she had a splitting headache. 'Do I still have some painkillers in the kitchen?'

Soyeon noticed a figure slumped on the couch as soon as she reached the end of the stairs. It was Yuqi fast asleep, a broom lazily resting in her hand 'Did she clean up everything?' Everyone is aware of how the young girl always has the need for everything to be organized and would always reprimand the short girl about being messy but in her defense, she has way too much to do so she never really got the chance to clean her desk, or her apartment in general.

Grabbing an extra blanket from the cabinet, She gently tucked Yuqi and placed a kiss on the young girl's forehead. Yuqi stirred a bit at the contact but remained sleeping 'She looks so beautiful'

A couple of minutes passed, Yuqi woke up at the smell of salty air. 'Why does it smell like the beach? Am I dead?' She opened her eyes and saw a blanket draped over her "Oh you're awake, I just finished cooking miyeok-guk" (seaweed soup)

"Did you just wake up?" the nodded "Thanks for taking care of me... again"

"You were a mess last night, why were you drinking?" Yuqi frowned remembering the sight that greeted her the moment she stepped near the bar.

"The usual" before Yuqi could reply, Soyeon walked back to the kitchen, skillfully avoiding the conversation. They ate in silence, the only source of noise, coming from the spoon touching the side of their bowls "You know you can trust me right? I promise to help you with anything that's bothering you but if you don't want to share it with me, that's fine too just please... don't ruin your health because of it. It hurts me seeing you like this yeonnie"

"You can lie to me or keep things from me just please, don't do this to yourself anymore" Soyeon's head was lowered, that was why she didn't see the tears falling from Yuqi's eyes. "I'm sorry" was the only thing the blonde girl uttered before getting up and embracing the person in front of her. She never meant for Yuqi to hurt or get affected with the way she was treating herself.

"Okay, I promise I won't anymore" 

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