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Doyoung woke up in the morning and yawned but when he got out of bed he looked at his legs he wasn't wearing any pants

Wait don't tell me h-he saw it

He rushed into the kitchen in tears

Doyoung: you saw it didn't you!

Johnny turned around quickly

Johnny: what do you-

He turned around to face doyoung and at that moment he felt terrible

I forgot to put pants on him and now he knows I saw it typical Johnny move

Johnny: doyoung I-

Doyoung: l-leave me alone

Doyoung went into their room hugging his knees

Johnny looked down

Maybe I should give him some time

Johnny went into the living room and dialed taeyong's number

Johnny: I know we don't talk much but I really need to talk to you because I don't know what to do of who else would understand

Taeyong: ok first calm down and tell me what's wrong

Johnny: well yesterday I was changing doyoung's clothes because he was sleeping and his clothes were wet and when I took his pants off and he had scars on his legs but I was gonna pretend I didn't see them but me and my dumb ass forgot to put pants on him so now he knows I saw it and now he locked himself in our room

Taeyong stood up

Taeyong: Jaehyun I gotta talk to someone outside

Jaehyun: ok

Taeyong went outside

Taeyong: Johnny go talk to him but also show him that you love him and that you care about him and he'll be ok trust me I've been in your shoes

Taeyong peeked through the widow and looked at Jaehyun with a warm smile

Johnny: thank you I owe you

Taeyong: you don't have to owe me anything just make that kid feel better ok

Taeyong hung up

Johnny walked up to the door slowly opening it seeing doyoung hugging his knees in the corner

Johnny sat in front of him

Johnny: doyoung

Doyoung pulled his shirt down so Johnny couldn't see his legs

Johnny: you don't have to hide it from me bunny there's nothing to be ashamed of i won't judge you

Doyoung looked up into Johnny's eyes for assurance and moved the shirt from his legs showing his scars

Doyoung: I didn't want you to figure out like that I was gonna tell you but I was too scared and I thought you wouldn't wanna be with me anymore

Johnny hugged him

Johnny: when I saw them yesterday I though they were beautiful I know it sounds weird but everything about you is beautiful the way you laugh that pretty smile the way you talk I love you so so much and I would never do anything to hurt you or make you feel ashamed

Johnny rubbed his hand over the scars softly

Johnny: your so beautiful my little bunny

Doyoung felt tears run down his face

How did I get such a good boyfriend

Doyoung sat in Johnny's lap

Doyoung: don't you wanna how I got them

Johnny: you can tell me when your ready

Doyoung wiped his tears

Doyoung: I wanna tell you now because you deserve the truth

Doyoung breathed in

Doyoung: my parents gave me them if I did
something they didn't like they would cut my legs they said they did it because they loved me and at some point I believed them because they were the only ones that "cared for me" but now I have you the best boyfriend in the world and your so good to me I-I just feel like I don't deserve you

Johnny: no no don't say that bunny we both deserve each other

Doyoung: thank you for being here for me and I'm sorry for getting mad at you

Doyoung put his head down feeling guilty

Johnny: don't feel bad ok

Johnny smiled and put doyoung in the bed tickling him

Johnny: there's my cute smile

Johnny kissed doyoung's inner thigh

Doyoung blushed

Doyoung: Johnny stop it

Johnny kissed it again and went towards doyoung's ear whispering seductively

Johnny:  my little bunny

Doyoung blushed and kicked Johnny off the bed

Doyoung: p-pervert

Johnny stood up and got in the bed next to him hugging his back

Johnny: I love you bunny

Doyoung: I love u too my tall tree

Johnny thought for a minute

I really hope that "tall tree" nickname doesn't stick

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