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Johnny ran outside the restaurant searching for doyoung he was searching for so long it started raining outside

Johnny ran to the street and luckily he did he saw doyoung sitting on the sidewalk in the rain crying

Johnny sat down next to him

Johnny: doyoung

Doyoung lifted his head up and saw the tall boy next to him

Johnny: fake number

Doyoung looked at Johnny confused

Doyoung: w-what?

Johnny: the girl...I gave her a fake number see

Johnny pulled a bunch of paper with number on them out of his pocket

Johnny chuckled

Johnny: people try to flirt with me because of my appearance And plus I'm rich but they never even wanna get to know the real me but you treated me differently you didn't wanna meet me and fall in love with my face or my money you wanted to get to know me first and I really wanna thank you for that

Doyoung hugged Johnny tightly

Doyoung: would it be weird if I said i liked you

Johnny hugged him back

Johnny: no it wouldn't because I like you too

Doyoung blushed and hid in Johnny's chest

Johnny: why you so embarrassed you confessed to me first

Doyoung gathered up courage and pressed his lips against the tall boys lips quickly and pulled away fast

Doyoung: sorry I should of asked but I couldn't help myself

Johnny smiled

Johnny: I don't mind

Johnny stares at doyoung for a while before breaking the silence

Johnny: hey doyoung are you a little

Doyoung looked at Johnny nervously

Doyoung: In a way yes I don't act like a baby but I do like calling guys daddy so maybe I'm not a little maybe I'm just kinky

Johnny chuckled

Johnny: that's cute

Doyoung stood up flustered

Doyoung: o-oh i forgot its still raining and Jaehyun and taeyong are suppose to drive me home

Johnny smiled

Johnny: they left

Doyoung's eyes widened

Doyoung: t-they did what!

Johnny kisses doyoung in the lips

Johnny: calm down you can sleep at my house

Doyoung blushed

Doyoung: y-your house

Johnny smirked

Johnny: yes my house baby

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