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Doyoung smiled and look at Johnny as he laid in the bed still asleep Johnny woke up and stood getting ready for work not even noticing his boyfriend

Doyoung: johnny I h-

Johnny: not now doyoung I have to go im gonna be late

Doyoung sighed as he watched Johnny walk out of the door

Wow even when im up he doesn't pay attention

Johnny has been focused on work these past few days he leaves without kissing doyoung he doesn't even leave a note anymore he just leaves without saying a word

Doyoung looked at his phone and called his friend xiaojun they haven't hung out in a while so he thought why not hang out today

He called xiaojun and they decided to go to the park and catch up a bit

When doyoung arrived xiaojun was already there waiting for him they both hugged and started talking

Xiaojun: hey are you ok you seem a bit down

Doyoung sighed and turned to him

Doyoung: well you see Johnny has been working a lot lately which means he doesn't really pay attention to me as much anymore even when he gets off of work he's too tired and just goes to bed or works at home and I just feel a bit lonely

Xiaojun hugged him tightly not letting go

Xiaojun: if you feel that way then you should tell him instead of keeping it inside you guys should be honest with each other

Doyoung smiled and looked at how dark it's gotten while he was checking the time he noticed several missed calls and texts from Johnny

Doyoung shot up and hugged xiaojun

Doyoung: sorry DJ I gotta head home thank you for the help

Xiaojun: anytime young

Doyoung got in the car and drove home quickly
He slowly entered the house meeting eyes with his boyfriend who looked at him furiously

Johnny: where have you been

Doyoung looked down knowing well that Johnny was angry

Doyoung: s-since you went to work i just decided to hang out with a friend

Johnny scoffed

Johnny: well why didn't you ask me first huh I came home and the house was dark you had me freaking out-

Doyoung huffed loudly

Doyoung: wait so now you pay attention you pay attention when I'm with a fucking friend but you can't on a daily basis you know what Johnny fuck you all you care about is your work

Johnny got silent and walked closer to doyoung making doyoung backup against the wall

Johnny: why are you talking to me like that huh who said you were allowed to talk to me with an attitude you know I hate that

Johnny said in a calm but cold tone

Johnny's eyes looked into doyoung's with a deep piercing stare

Doyoung: J-j-Johnny why are you looking at me like that

Doyoung was now trembling in fear

Johnny sighed and lifted his arms making doyoung flinch

Johnny stood there shocked

Did he just do what I think he just did

Johnny: d-did you just flinch

Doyoung looked up at Johnny with tears in his eyes

Johnny: did you think i was gonna hurt you

Johnny's heart broke into a million pieces

Doyoung bursted into tears

Johnny: baby I wasn't gonna hit you I was gonna give you a hug you know I would never hurt you no matter how mad I am

Johnny pulled doyoung into a tight hug

Johnny: I'm so sorry baby your right I have been super busy lately but I promise I'll take a break soon

Doyoung cried into Johnny shirt

Doyoung: y-you promise

Johnny kissed doyoung passionately

Johnny: I promise you

He wiped doyoung's eye's and carried him up to their room

Johnny: let's go to sleep ok

But right when he said that doyoung was already fast asleep

Johnny chuckled and picked up his phone calling his job

Johnny: look I know I'm the ceo of this company but something came up and it's really important so can you have someone fill in for me for a while

???: yes I can how long will you be

Johnny: I'll come back when I'm ready

???: ok mr.suh I hope everything is ok

Johnny looked at doyoung and rubbed his hair softly

Johnny: yeah everything is fine

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