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Jaehyun POV~

Yongie has been in a bad mood lately but I'm not sure why every time I ask him he has an attitude about it and I'm not sure what I should do I mean I know it's none of my business but I'm just concerned

Taeyong: hey you wanna go out to eat

Jaehyun smiled

Jaehyun: yeah sure

Taeyong: good then hurry up

Taeyong walked out the door

Wait did he just leave he usually waits for me to get ready but damn that's cold

Jaehyun went to their room and got dressed he wore short pants with a black shirt (simple fit) after getting done he went to the car

Jaehyun: yongie why didn't you wait for me you usually do

Taeyong looked at the road

Taeyong: you act like you can't get dressed without me being there

Jaehyun rolled his eyes and mumbled under his breath

so damn stubborn like why the hell cant you just tell me why your being so bitchy lately

Taeyong pulled over and stopped the car

Taeyong: what did you say

Jaehyun sighed

Jaehyun: nothing just start the car

Taeyong stared at Jaehyun he looked at Jaehyun's facial features taeyong thought he looked beautiful and that's what calmed him down

Taeyong breathes in

Taeyong: I'm sorry I know I've been being bitchy lately not because of you it's because.....my mom called me 

Jaehyun looked at taeyong in shock

Jaehyun: but I thought she was-

Taeyong: y-yeah me too but she lied to me Jaehyun she didn't die she left... she left me alone

Taeyong bursted into tears

Jaehyun stares at taeyong

I-I've never seen him cry at all what am I supposed to do I mean I don't even know what kinda cryer he is, is he a hug cryer a don't touch me cryer a I'm gonna cuss you out cryer. I'll just go with the hug cryer

Jaehyun wrapped his arms around him tightly

Jaehyun: are you comfortable with this or do you want me to stop

Taeyong buried his face into jaehyun's chest

Taeyong: no it's fine but I wanna go home now

Jaehyun rubbed his back

Jaehyun: ok but I'll drive cause your eyes are blurry from crying and I'm not getting killed because of you

Taeyong laughed

Jaehyun: you happy now

Taeyong kissed Jaehyun on the lips

Taeyong: now I'm good

Jaehyun got in the drivers seat and started driving home

Then Taeyong realized


Jaehyun turned to taeyong slowly

Jaehyun: well you never asked so

Taeyong: but I've been driving you everywhere and you now tell me you can drive

Jaehyun shrugged

Jaehyun: the truth is if I drove by myself then I would be lonely but when you drive me I feel less lonely

Taeyong smiled

Taeyong pov~

Alright y'all gotta admit my boyfriend is cute as hell and no one can tell me he's not I mean did you hear what he just said

Taeyong: I'm gonna meet her

Jaehyun looked over at taeyong

Jaehyun: you sure cause I mean you don't have to if you don't want to

Taeyong smiled and looked at the window

Taeyong: I'm sure

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