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Doyoung and taeyong have been hanging out everyday and it's only the first week Jaehyun high key felt like a 3rd wheel

Jaehyun sat at the table with Mrs. Lee

Jaehyun: I don't know what to do I mean I don't wanna be THAT boyfriend but it's hard not to be

Mrs. Lee chuckled

Mrs. Lee: I'm sure he'll come around honey

Doyoung and taeyong appeared in the kitchen

Taeyong kissed Jaehyun on the cheek

Taeyong: my cute baby

Jaehyun blushed while taeyong mom looked at them they looked so cute in her eyes

Doyoung: yongie can I get a kiss too

The whole room went silent

Taeyong leaned in and kissed doyoung on the cheek

Jaehyun smiles but everyone in the room knew he was hurt except taeyong

Jaehyun: I'm gonna go to the bathroom

Mrs. Lee's eyes widened

Mrs. Lee: no Jaehyun don't

Jaehyun looked back at her with pleading eyes

Mrs. Lee: Jaehyun I can't let you do that again

Taeyong broke into the conversation

Taeyong: do what again

Mrs. Lee sighed

Mrs. Lee: Jaehyun honey you have to tell him

Jaehyun stared at his feet coldly

Jaehyun: he shouldn't worry. he should just keep hanging out with doyoung like he always does

Jaehyun walked out the house and closed the door

As soon as Jaehyun closed the door he broke down crying. As he was crying on the ground he saw 2 feet walk up to him when he looked up it was mark

Jaehyun: m-mark what are you doing here

Mark looked at Jaehyun with worry in his eyes

Mark: I was just passing by but are you ok

Jaehyun smiled

Jaehyun: I'm fine

Mark tilted his head

Mark: Jaehyun I know you your not fine

Mark held out his hand

Mark: stand up

Mark and Jaehyun walked around a bit and Jaehyun told mark everything except the him cutting himself thing he didn't want mark to worry

Mark: wow your boyfriend sounds like an ass

Jaehyun sighed

Jaehyun: it's not that he's an ass it's just he's oblivious as hell and it's annoying as hell

Mark chuckled

Mark: yup been there haechan is oblivious too or maybe he's just dumb

Jaehyun laughed he's happy mark found someone he love's

Mark and Jaehyun were laughing and having fun until Jaehyun had to go back to Mrs. Lee's house it was getting pretty late

Jaehyun walked in the house well he snuck in the house

Taeyong: oh look who's home

Jaehyun froze as he saw taeyong sitting in a chair looking at him

Jaehyun: oh hey

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