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December 23, 2020

"Mom?" I walked into her room, seeing her on the floor, a box infront of her as she looked at pictures. She spotted me and immeadiately started putting them all back. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing, what is it you need sweetie?"

I picked up a picture. "Who is this?" a man I didn't know was in it, looking happy as he stood next to my mom. She took it from me and put it in box.

"Just someone I wish I could be spending this Christmas with."

December 16th, 2030

As soon as I got home from school, I raced to my mom's room, knowing she wasn't home. Ring, a ring, what did an engagement ring even look like anyway? I knew what my mom's looked like, but they all vary. What if I got the wrong ring? Would this all be over? I shook my head and opened up her jewlery box, rummaging through the little section where rings were clustered. None of them looked like a wedding ring, and I sighed in frustration. I just wanted this to be done, over with, for those guys to quit stalking and terrorizing me. I didn't even feel safe in my fifth period classroom, the room with no windows.

But where would my mom keep this ring anyway? It wasn't in her jewlery box, so she must've hid it somewhere. Now it could be anywhere. Why did I think this would be so easy? I started looking around my parent's room, praying that I would find it somewhere, before I reached the spot I dreaded it was in. Unfortunately, it was no where to be found, leaving the one spot.

The hidden safe.

I had no idea what the combination was, and i knew it was a good quality one too, so there were no chances of me mastering the skill of lock picking (not that it would happen anyway). Maybe I could-

"Luke?" I jumped what felt like thirty feet in the air as my mom walked in, seeing that I was crouched infront of the safe in her closet. "What are you doing?" I quickly got up.

"Nothing." I said, looking at my feet, embarassed.

"Are you trying to get into the safe?"

"No- well yes- maybe?"

"What are you looking for? There's nothing in there for you to see."

"I just..." I searched my mind, only ridiculous excuses coming up in my head. "Are you keeping something from me?"

"Luke, you know better than to answer questions with questions."

"I know its just..." my heart raced in momentary panic. "Do I have an uncle?"

My mom froze up for a moment. "Your father and I are both only children."

"Someone told me about how I had an uncle... Uncle Aaron?"

Rosalie bit her lip, sighing in defeat. "You did have an uncle Aaron."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't want you to wonder about him, I didn't want you to feel the need to constantly protect your sister, incase she accidenatly went down the same path he did."

"What happened to him?"

"Its something that isn't important right now." she paused, looking at the safe behind me. "You knew I had pictures of him in there, didn't you?"

"Yes." I lied, making my throat feel choked up.

"Well, let's open it. I think it's about time you got to know him a little." my mom crouched down and spun the lock in the correct pattern of numbers, opening it. I knelt beside her, looking at the piles of photos, and multiple small boxes contained in plastic bags. She pulled out a stack, immeadiately smiling at the one on top. A young girl and boy were on the beach, smiling wide with sand pals and shovels. "That's me." she said pointing to the girl. "And that's Aaron." she moved her finger to the younger child beside her. Unlike my moms, Aaron's hair looked light, but they had the same face. She flipped through many others, and I watched as her and Aaron grew up, his hair eventually turning a light brown like my mom's, all the way up to his graduation. The last photo was of him and this girl, his arm wrapped around her as they smilied at the camera.

"Who's that?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"That's his girlfriend, Pheonix." she sniffed, a little emotional from going through all of the memories. "She's the reason he died." her lips went into a taut line, as she almost glared at the blonde haired girl.

"He died for her?" 

"No, he died because of her." she put the photo away and straighten the stack up, shuting the safe.

But not before I spotted the navy velvet box in the corner, with the Swarovski swan engraved in the front.


*insert super sad face emoji times fifty trillion here*

I know i promised to update yesterday, but I have limited internet and publish my stuff with my schools wifi so i don't get murder by my dad.. and I had a snow day yesterday so I didn't! But here it is so again really sorry!!!


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